Donald Trump arrives to deliver a foreign policy speech at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, DC, on April 27, 2016. (Reuters / Jim Bourg)
Gary Younge has spent the last several weeks in Muncie, Indiana, reporting on politics in the Rust Belt. Trump voters there, he says, know his faults, but want “something big” to change their world.
Start Making Sense is hosted by Jon Wiener and co-produced by the Los Angeles Review of Books.
Plus, Katha Pollitt asks whether Trump’s misogyny will spark a wave of women’s political action.
Also, Tom Frank talks about e-mail: he says the John Podesta e-mails—released by Wikileaks—tell us much more about how America is run than Hillary’s do.
And Adam Shatz argues that Obama’s presidency provoked a white backlash—and rekindled a spirit of black resistance—both of which are prominent features of this year’s campaign.
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Start Making SenseTwitterStart Making Sense is The Nation’s podcast, hosted by Jon Wiener and coproduced by the Los Angeles Review of Books. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts for new episodes each Thursday.
Jon WienerTwitterJon Wiener is a contributing editor of The Nation and co-author (with Mike Davis) of Set the Night on Fire: L.A. in the Sixties.