“Cocaine is a little dog with eight or more little dogs, puppies that cause her complete misfortune, that cause her tired look. She observes the world and realizes that the only thing she has, even if it causes her misfortune, are these flea-bitten dogs. And it’s not that dogs make mom suffer just because she’s the mom, no! Those dogs are also the cause of our misfortune; I say ‘our’ because every time we sat down for a meal, those dogs, like ticks, would get between our feet and start playing with them, so intensely that it seems that they want to absorb your soul, as they did with their mother.” —Sarai
To Mar-a-Lago lapdogs wend To kiss Trump’s ring, lament his trials. They’re piling high upon his lap. The yelping can be heard for miles.
Calvin TrillinCalvin Trillin is The Nation’s “deadline poet.”