
The Race to Replace Arnold: Running on Empty The Race to Replace Arnold: Running on Empty

The limp grassroots response to Democratic gubernatorial candidates reveals that the plummeting popularity of one party doesn't automatically translate into support for the other.

May 18, 2006 / Feature / Marc Cooper

Target Ford Target Ford

When the Ford Foundation came under pressure, it revised its grant-making standards, restricting the political activities of its grantees.

May 18, 2006 / Feature / Scott Sherman

George & Tony’s Not So Excellent Adventure George & Tony’s Not So Excellent Adventure

If democracy represents the will of the people, then there is either something wrong with democracy in the United States and Britain or something wrong with the people on both side...

May 18, 2006 / Column / Gary Younge

Phone Spies Phone Spies

Democrats in Congress must press for a full investigation of NSA phone call surveillance and prove that the rule of law is an asset, not an obstacle, to national security.

May 18, 2006 / The Editors

Hawks for Withdrawal Hawks for Withdrawal

As centrist Democrats slowly but surely unite around a plan for military withdrawal from Iraq that is heavy with hawkish reasoning, what are the implications for the peace movement...

May 17, 2006 / Feature / Tom Hayden

What Bush Got Right What Bush Got Right

Bush has taken a sensible stance on immigration, but his plummeting credibility will prevent people from embracing his proposals.

May 17, 2006 / Column / Robert Scheer

Spymaster Disaster Spymaster Disaster

The CIA is in need of reinvention and a director who can oversee the transformation. Gen. Michael Hayden is not the right man for the job.

May 14, 2006 / The Editors

Anthems of Outrage Anthems of Outrage

The crankily contrarian Neil Young has a knack for making music that reflects the times. Living With War, his blistering attack on the Bush presidency, marks the turning of a cultu...

May 12, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Kevin McCarthy

Three Liberal Lives Three Liberal Lives

In praise of three giants of American liberalism: John Kenneth Galbraith, Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg and the Rev. William Sloane Coffin Jr.

May 11, 2006 / Column / Eric Alterman

The New Kerry The New Kerry

After years of vacillation, John Kerry has gone bold, finding his voice on Iraq and national security and thinking hard about running for President. But his future cannot be separa...

May 11, 2006 / Ari Berman
