
Minority/Majority Minority/Majority

While Steny Hoyer seeks to "make himself the first contact for K Street," Nancy Pelosi and George Miller are pressing forward with their crackdown on lobbying and ethics abuses.

Nov 23, 2005 / David Sirota

The Murtha Moment The Murtha Moment

John Murtha is right: The American public has turned against the war. Democrats and Republicans must put aside politics and work together to bring the troops home quickly and focus...

Nov 23, 2005 / The Editors

Dictionary of Republicanisms Dictionary of Republicanisms

Compassionate conservativism n. An expensively cultivated phrase created by a decades-old and well-funded Radical Right program of Orwellian doublespeak.

Nov 22, 2005 / Feature / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Mismanaged Care Mismanaged Care

Tennessee once had a visionary health care plan for that left only 14 percent of residents uninsured. But with federal cuts and a governor's misguided attempt to privatize Medicaid...

Nov 22, 2005 / Feature / Trudy Lieberman

The Real McCain The Real McCain

John McCain is a war hero, a sometime Democratic ally, a crusader for campaign finance reform. But the centrist maverick will most likely take a turn to the right if he wants to ge...

Nov 22, 2005 / Feature / Ari Berman

Buyers’ Remorse Buyers’ Remorse

Home equity--for those lucky enough to own a house or condo--is a primary source of economic security. But unsold inventory, rising interest rates and record levels of mortgage def...

Nov 21, 2005 / Feature / Nicholas von Hoffman

The Champ Meets the Chump The Champ Meets the Chump

When George W. Bush met Muhammad Ali at the White House last week, the Champ had one last rope-a-dope up his sleeve. You don't have to guess who won this match.

Nov 18, 2005 / Feature / Dave Zirin

Break Up Cheney’s Cabal Break Up Cheney’s Cabal

If the United States is to extricate itself from the Iraq debacle, the first step is to break up the cabal of Bush Administration officials who have led the nation to war.

Nov 18, 2005 / Feature / Jeremy Brecher and Brendan Smith

The Lies That Bind The Lies That Bind

Lack of candor is not surprising from Bush or Ahmad Chalabi, but why does the New York Times continue to struggle with the truth about Judith Miller? The Gray Lady might solve the ...

Nov 17, 2005 / Column / Eric Alterman

Don’t Criticize Me Don’t Criticize Me

Karl Rove and his Singing Slimemeisters riff You Go To My Head.

Nov 17, 2005 / Books & the Arts / Calvin Trillin
