My Dinner With Aleksander My Dinner With Aleksander
In 1964 an important if somewhat obscure Polish writer and public intellectual named Aleksander Wat arrived at the University of California, Berkeley, and began the work that wou...
Mar 4, 2004 / Books & the Arts / Benjamin Paloff
Beware the Bushwomen Beware the Bushwomen
This article was adapted from Bushwomen: Tales of a Cynical Species (Verso). Check for book-tour information.
Mar 4, 2004 / Feature / Laura Flanders
Florida…Again? Florida…Again?
Additional reporting by Cissy Rebich.
Mar 4, 2004 / Feature / Marc Cooper
You Gotta Love Her You Gotta Love Her
On bad memories and popular delusions.
Mar 4, 2004 / Feature / Tom Hayden
And the Winner Is… And the Winner Is…
While gaudily festooned Hollywood liberals presented each other with the false golden idol of a little naked man, enlightened others quietly celebrated the traditions of thousand...
Mar 4, 2004 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
Understanding the World With Paul Sweezy Understanding the World With Paul Sweezy
I'm an optimist by disposition, but some weeks it's hard to find evidence of progress in human affairs.
Mar 4, 2004 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
George W. Bush Speaks Out on Gay Marriage George W. Bush Speaks Out on Gay Marriage
He backs an amendment defining the vow Of marriage as being a guy and his frau, Lest civilization sink into a slough-- Which he says could happen. It isn't clear how.
Mar 4, 2004 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Greenspan’s Con Job Greenspan’s Con Job
It is not exactly that he lies, but Alan Greenspan certainly ranks among the most duplicitous figures to serve in modern American government.
Mar 4, 2004 / William Greider
Kerry’s Challenge Kerry’s Challenge
The John Kerry who won nine of ten Super Tuesday states, and with those victories Democratic nominee-in-waiting status, was not the John Kerry who officially launched his preside...
Mar 4, 2004 / John Nichols
Kulturkampf, 2004 Kulturkampf, 2004
On pages 11 and 14 of this issue Tom Hayden and Carol Burke recall the culture wars of the Vietnam era, which live on in the odd, enduring hatred of Jane Fonda by conservative ve...
Mar 4, 2004 / The Editors