The Imperial Presidency The Imperial Presidency
The August 26 speech by Vice President Dick Cheney at the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention in Nashville has made at least two things clear: first, that the Bush Administration ...
Aug 29, 2002 / The Editors
Book Reviewing, African-American Style Book Reviewing, African-American Style
On April 14, my review of Maya Angelou's A Song Flung Up to Heaven appeared in the Los Angeles Times Book Review. I finally assessed the book thusly: In writing that is bad to ...
Aug 29, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Wanda Coleman
Letters Letters
MORE FUN THAN A BARREL OF... Princeton, NJ In an accurate review of Jonathan Marks's loosely argued What It Means to Be 98% Chimpanzee, Micaela di Leonardo ...
Aug 29, 2002 / Micaela di Leonardo, Peter Sacks, Peter Singer, and Rebecca Zwick
Mitchell Paints a Picture Mitchell Paints a Picture
In Empire Falls, Richard Russo’s neo-Dickensian novel of a dying mill-town in central Maine, the high school art teacher is portrayed as something of a soul-killer. Indiffere…
Aug 29, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Arthur C. Danto
Hey, He’s Bruce Hey, He’s Bruce
When Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, reunited to tour behind The Rising, came to Madison Square Garden on August 12, they juxtaposed "41 Shots," Springsteen's powerful so...
Aug 29, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Gene Santoro
Richard Perle: Whose Fault Is He? Richard Perle: Whose Fault Is He?
Consider kids who bullied Richard Perle-- Those kids who said Perle threw just like a girl, Those kids who poked poor Perle to show how soft A mamma's boy could be, those kids...
Aug 29, 2002 / Column / Calvin Trillin
In Cold Type In Cold Type
As summer winds down, retreats and vacations come to an end (no more toasted marshmallows) and regular life begins again, with everyday chores like buying new shoes for childre...
Aug 29, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Amy Wilentz
The Soul of the Worker The Soul of the Worker
I was born into the House of Labor. My father was a Teamster who drove a truck for thirty-five years. He died with his first retirement check in his pocket, uncashed.
Aug 28, 2002 / Dennis Kucinich
What Are They Reading? What Are They Reading?
THE EMPEROR OF OCEAN PARK. By Stephen L. Carter. Knopf. 657 pp. $26.95.
Aug 23, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Jon Wiener
Greens at the Crosswords Greens at the Crosswords
Greens at the Crosswords Micah Sifry's August 1, 2001 Nation Online article, "Greens at the Crossroads," sparked a number of letters from many of those active in the Gree...
Aug 23, 2002 / Micah L. Sifry and Stanley Aronowitz