
GOP Could Be Courting a Disaster GOP Could Be Courting a Disaster

We know what they're afraid of. Cut through the Republican verbiage that has clogged the airwaves and courts and you find one simple but disturbing point: They fear an accurate...

Dec 9, 2000 / Column / Robert Scheer

Letters Letters

OH CHADS, POOR CHADS... Hayward, Calif. I share William Greider's glee about the election stalemate ["Stupefied Democracy," Dec. 4] and the opportunity ...

Dec 7, 2000 / Our Readers

Ce N’est Pas un Président Ce N’est Pas un Président

All I want is the truth. Just gimme some truth.       --John Lennon Florida's electoral mishegoss lends itself to the exploration of an issu...

Dec 7, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Eric Alterman

Greens, Fears and Dollars Greens, Fears and Dollars

They'd rather die than admit it, but environmental organizations thrive on disaster. They remember well enough what happened when Ronald Reagan installed James Watt as Secretary ...

Dec 7, 2000 / Column / Alexander Cockburn

Daniel Singer Daniel Singer

Death came as a release for Daniel Singer on December 2, but we feel like protesting its rude intrusion.

Dec 7, 2000 / The Editors

Wanted: Three Electors Wanted: Three Electors

Let the chattering classes focus on chads and undervotes and Florida recounts and what the courts--state and federal, all the way up to the Supreme Court--would or wouldn't do. L...

Dec 7, 2000 / The Editors

In Fact… In Fact…

PINOCHET NABBED Any last hope former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet may have harbored that history would judge him kindly was dashed recently when a Santiago judge formally ch...

Dec 7, 2000 / The Editors

The Beat The Beat

BEYOND SEATTLE The one-year anniversary of the "Battle in Seattle" saw embattled World Trade Organization chief Michael Moore peddling the argument that the WTO had weathered the s...

Dec 7, 2000 / Column / John Nichols

Shut It Down Shut It Down

(Another Republican sea chantey) They all went down to stop Miami-Dade From making counts the judges had OK'd. Unlikely toughs, with ties and crisp white shirts, They w...

Dec 7, 2000 / Column / Calvin Trillin

By the Dawn’s Early Light By the Dawn’s Early Light

I write from shipboard, on the Nation cruise. The boat has just pulled away from port and chugs toward the horizon, leaving land behind. We are fourth in a line of cruise ships d...

Dec 7, 2000 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
