
Debate Prep Memo to Everyone but Bloomberg

Debate Prep Memo to Everyone but Bloomberg Debate Prep Memo to Everyone but Bloomberg

Don’t make him the center of tonight’s debate. Amplify your own messages, or run the risk of repeating the Republican Party’s grave 2016 mistake.

Feb 19, 2020 / John Nichols

Trump’s Morality Police Are Obsessed With Buttigieg Kissing His Husband

Trump’s Morality Police Are Obsessed With Buttigieg Kissing His Husband Trump’s Morality Police Are Obsessed With Buttigieg Kissing His Husband

The former mayor’s strong showings in Iowa and New Hampshire are milestones in American politics.

Feb 18, 2020 / John Nichols

Members of the activist group Rise And Resist gather in silent protest

Trump Is Unleashing Militarized Goon Squads Against Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities Trump Is Unleashing Militarized Goon Squads Against Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities

First, they came for the immigrants…

Feb 18, 2020 / Sasha Abramsky

Trump Wants You to Ignore His Republican Challenger

Trump Wants You to Ignore His Republican Challenger Trump Wants You to Ignore His Republican Challenger

Former Massachusetts governor Bill Weld won a delegate in Iowa and almost 10 percent of the New Hampshire Republican primary vote.

Feb 15, 2020 / John Nichols

Susan Collins at the State of the Union address.

Republicans Have Made It Clear They Will Let Trump Become a Dictator. Will We? Republicans Have Made It Clear They Will Let Trump Become a Dictator. Will We?

Freed from all accountability by the Senate, the realtor’s inner autocrat is on full display.

Feb 14, 2020 / Sasha Abramsky

Trump Oval Office address

The Modern GOP Is Built on Lies The Modern GOP Is Built on Lies

In some ways Trump is more truthful than previous Republican presidents.

Feb 14, 2020 / Column / Eric Alterman

Trump Doesn’t Hate Welfare When It Goes to Wealthy White Farmers

Trump Doesn’t Hate Welfare When It Goes to Wealthy White Farmers Trump Doesn’t Hate Welfare When It Goes to Wealthy White Farmers

The president’s farm aid lays bare the racial and class implications of his disdain of government assistance.

Feb 14, 2020 / Bryce Covert

Against Despair: A Case for Optimism After the Impeachment Trial

Against Despair: A Case for Optimism After the Impeachment Trial Against Despair: A Case for Optimism After the Impeachment Trial

There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in. 

Feb 14, 2020 / Anna Galland

Bill Barr Is Even Worse Than You Realize

Bill Barr Is Even Worse Than You Realize Bill Barr Is Even Worse Than You Realize

The attorney general is on a tear, shredding the rule of law, just as he threatened he would.

Feb 13, 2020 / Elie Mystal

What We Can Learn From the Iran/Contra Scandal

What We Can Learn From the Iran/Contra Scandal What We Can Learn From the Iran/Contra Scandal

Leon Neyfakh, the host of the podcast Fiasco, tells The Nation that you can’t separate the policies from the people.

Feb 12, 2020 / Q&A / Emily Berch
