With Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court, How Far Will the State’s Attacks on Women Go? With Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court, How Far Will the State’s Attacks on Women Go?
Another reader asks about weathering a public #MeToo event with PTSD.
Oct 25, 2018 / Liza Featherstone

The Abolition of Nuclear Abolitionism? The Abolition of Nuclear Abolitionism?
President Trump’s withdrawal from the INF Treaty nullifies a historic precedent.
Oct 24, 2018 / Stephen F. Cohen

The Most Important Ballot Measures of 2018 The Most Important Ballot Measures of 2018
Amid the din of election activity, don’t forget the power and potential of the ballot initiative.
Oct 24, 2018 / Simon Davis-Cohen

Trump’s Midterms Strategy Is Fear, Lies, and (White) Nationalism Trump’s Midterms Strategy Is Fear, Lies, and (White) Nationalism
And that’s what works to turn out his base.
Oct 23, 2018 / Joan Walsh

Voters Must Catch On to Republicans’ Con on Health Care Voters Must Catch On to Republicans’ Con on Health Care
The GOP’s duck-and-cover effort impedes a debate we need to have on providing universal coverage and increasing Social Security.
Oct 23, 2018 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Inconvenient Thoughts on Cold War and Other News Inconvenient Thoughts on Cold War and Other News
Intelligence agencies, Nikki Haley, sanctions, and public opinion.
Oct 17, 2018 / Stephen F. Cohen

Why Aren’t the Media Covering Climate Change All Day, Every Day? Why Aren’t the Media Covering Climate Change All Day, Every Day?
The distractions are relentless.
Oct 16, 2018 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Elizabeth Warren Will Not Let Donald Trump Define Her Elizabeth Warren Will Not Let Donald Trump Define Her
And that’s the fundamental point of a powerful video on her heritage.
Oct 15, 2018 / Joan Walsh

Meet the GOP Senate Candidates Who Are Still Attacking Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and #MeToo Meet the GOP Senate Candidates Who Are Still Attacking Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and #MeToo
If you thought McConnell and Graham were odious, get a load of the challengers to Tammy Baldwin, Claire McCaskill, and Heidi Heitkamp.
Oct 12, 2018 / John Nichols

Medicare for All Is Officially Winning Medicare for All Is Officially Winning
Trump and Republican Senate candidates are now lying about single payer. Why? Because they’re losing the health-care debate.
Oct 10, 2018 / John Nichols