
President Donald Trump

Chris Hayes: Trump ‘Knew Literally—And I Mean Literally—Nothing About’ His Health-Care Bill Chris Hayes: Trump ‘Knew Literally—And I Mean Literally—Nothing About’ His Health-Care Bill

Plus Joan Walsh on Trump and the Russians, and Amy Wilentz on Ivanka.

Mar 30, 2017 / Podcast / Start Making Sense and Jon Wiener

Big Bird on bench

Americans Everywhere Benefit From the NEA and NEH Americans Everywhere Benefit From the NEA and NEH

And that includes coal miners who voted for Trump.

Mar 30, 2017 / Column / Laila Lalami

Journalists watch GOP debate

The Sovietization of the American Political-Media Establishment?   The Sovietization of the American Political-Media Establishment?  

The hunt for Trump’s “Kremlin connections” indulges in practices reminiscent of the Soviet Kremlin and its media.

Mar 29, 2017 / Stephen F. Cohen

Why Trump’s Climate-Wrecking Agenda Could Fail

Why Trump’s Climate-Wrecking Agenda Could Fail Why Trump’s Climate-Wrecking Agenda Could Fail

Activists as well as local and state governments are fighting back—but global energy markets could be his most powerful opponents.

Mar 29, 2017 / Mark Hertsgaard

Tom Tomorrow cartoon

Trump’s Daily Diary Rants Trump’s Daily Diary Rants

Where Trump thinks about things like, why won’t the fake news shut up about Russia? 

Mar 28, 2017 / Tom Tomorrow

Nixon and Kissinger

Is Trump Like Nixon?  Is Trump Like Nixon? 

Rick Perlstein, author of Nixonland, says: “Not really.”

Mar 28, 2017 / Jon Wiener

The Republican Party Is Catastrophically Broken

The Republican Party Is Catastrophically Broken The Republican Party Is Catastrophically Broken

The humiliating failure to repeal Obamacare reveals the GOP is not a national governing party–and Trump is a failure as president.

Mar 27, 2017 / Joan Walsh

trump post ahca

Donald Trump Can’t Make a Deal Donald Trump Can’t Make a Deal

Now that the GOP's health-care bill is dead, plan B is to sabotage Obamacare.

Mar 24, 2017 / Zoë Carpenter

trump iran rally

Donald Trump’s Rise Has Coincided With an Explosion of Hate Groups Donald Trump’s Rise Has Coincided With an Explosion of Hate Groups

The president’s rhetoric should sound familiar to anyone who lived through the 1990s paramilitary-style “Patriot” movements.

Mar 24, 2017 / Michelle Chen


How Much Damage Has North Carolina’s Bathroom Bill Done in 1 Year? How Much Damage Has North Carolina’s Bathroom Bill Done in 1 Year?

The law has upended North Carolina politics, but other states are still looking to copy the law. 

Mar 23, 2017 / Paul Blest
