
Stop the Comcast/NBC Merger Stop the Comcast/NBC Merger

If the deal goes through, a terrible cable and broadband provider will become a terrible content provider.

May 24, 2010 / Peter Rothberg

Being Muslim Is No Crime Being Muslim Is No Crime

Since 2001, the treatment of the Muslim community in America, especially by law enforcement authorities, has made no sense at all.

May 24, 2010 / Stephan Salisbury

Irony Alert: Another Advocate for Abstinence Quits Congress After His Failure to Abstain is Revealed Irony Alert: Another Advocate for Abstinence Quits Congress After His Failure to Abstain is Revealed

An Indiana congressman had a lot to say about how others should have sex, until he got caught having sex with someone other than his wife.

May 22, 2010 / John Nichols

Rand Paul: ‘Principled Libertarian’? Not. Rand Paul: ‘Principled Libertarian’? Not.

The Kentucky crackpot wants less regulation on businesses, but more regulation on women's health.

May 22, 2010 / Katha Pollitt

Republican Justice(s)

Republican Justice(s) Republican Justice(s)

Citizens United and Bush v. Gore don't stand alone. A decade worth of Supreme Court decisions has tiled the electoral playing field toward the Republicans.

May 21, 2010 / Herman Schwartz

Pedophilia is Fine, but Hold the Abortion Pedophilia is Fine, but Hold the Abortion

A nun in Phoenix has been ex-communicated after approving a life-saving abortion. What?

May 21, 2010 / Laura Flanders

The Breakdown: Can the US Government Assassinate You? The Breakdown: Can the US Government Assassinate You?

The Obama Administration has authorized the killing of American-born Islamic cleric Anwar al-Awlaki. If the administration can kill US citizens without due process, where does t...

May 21, 2010 / Chris Hayes

The Corrupt Charmer on Screen The Corrupt Charmer on Screen

Alex Gibney's new film Casino Jack tells the complete story of Jack Abramoff—and his victims.  

May 21, 2010 / Books & the Arts / Daniel Eagan

Holding Out for a Better Bill Holding Out for a Better Bill

The Nation's DC Editor Chris Hayes reports on The Rachel Maddow Show that stalling the financial reform legislation has introduced stronger consumer protections.

May 20, 2010 / Press Room

Holding Out for a Better Bill Holding Out for a Better Bill

The Nation's DC Editor Chris Hayes reports on The Rachel Maddow Show that stalling the financial reform legislation has introduced stronger consumer protections.

May 20, 2010 / The Rachel Maddow Show
