California Scheming California Scheming
In the latest push to privatize public education, regents at the University of California have raised tuition by 32 percent.
Nov 24, 2009 / Feature / Ben Ehrenreich
The NFL’s Concussion Conundrum The NFL’s Concussion Conundrum
NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell seems to understand that when athletes play with a concussion, it is bad for their health--and for business. But do his reforms go far enough?
Nov 24, 2009 / Column / Dave Zirin
Round Two: The Coming Battle Over Abortion Funding Round Two: The Coming Battle Over Abortion Funding
The prochoice movement stops playing nice in the fight for healthcare reform.
Nov 23, 2009 / Feature / Sharon Lerner
Journalism in 10: Ana Marie Cox on the Future of Media Journalism in 10: Ana Marie Cox on the Future of Media
Ana Marie Cox reflects on her experiences during the 2008 presidential election and suggests that we might see an influx of reporters that are hired by specific candidates to do op...
Nov 20, 2009 / The Nation Video
Fox Accidentatally Promotes ‘Going Rouge’ Fox Accidentatally Promotes ‘Going Rouge’
Fox News apologizes for accidentally drawing even more attention to The Nation's book criticizing Sarah Palin.
Nov 19, 2009 / Talking Points Memo
Searching for CCS Searching for CCS
Will carbon capture and sequestration help us avoid runaway climate change?
Nov 19, 2009 / Feature / Holly Wren Spaulding
Red Scare, Black Scare Red Scare, Black Scare
The birthers, the anticommunist crazies, the "Obama as Witch Doctor" caricatures: they're all of a piece, welded to sex.
Nov 19, 2009 / JoAnn Wypijewski
Why Not Tax Wall Street? Why Not Tax Wall Street?
In Washington, big ideas for financial reform are suddenly gaining momentum.
Nov 19, 2009 / William Greider
American Justice on Trial American Justice on Trial
To try alleged 9/11 perpetrators without handing Al Qaeda a propaganda victory, the trial must be fair beyond question.
Nov 19, 2009 / David Cole
This Seeming Brow of Justice This Seeming Brow of Justice
In their discussions of justice, Michael Sandel and Amartya Sen endorse communal good but slight collective endeavor.
Nov 19, 2009 / Books & the Arts / Samuel Moyn