The People’s Choice The People’s Choice
Finally, a prochoice president. Here are five ways to solidify his position.
Nov 19, 2008 / Column / Katha Pollitt
Obama’s Latino Vote Mandate Obama’s Latino Vote Mandate
Latinos backed Obama by a 2-to-1 margin on election day and could be the biggest force behind a longterm, center-left political realignment.
Nov 18, 2008 / Feature / Steve Cobble and Joe Velasquez
Barack Obama on 60 Minutes: No More Gitmo, Torture Barack Obama on 60 Minutes: No More Gitmo, Torture
President-elect Obama speaks with 60 Minutes' Steve Kroft about the need to restore America's moral standing in the world.
Nov 17, 2008 / CBS
You Voted. Now What? You Voted. Now What?
Barack Obama may be able to seize the moment and push a new kind of politics, but not unless he is pushed to do so. So here's a young voter's post-election guide, from the grassroo...
Nov 16, 2008 / Feature / Kristina Rizga
These Are Better Days These Are Better Days
A mighty train of change is coming to Washington: will the insider establishment hop aboard?
Nov 13, 2008 / Column / Eric Alterman
Uncooperative Housing Uncooperative Housing
As our spanking-new era of optimism dawns, ask yourself, How integrated is your neighborhood?
Nov 13, 2008 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
Obama’s New Deal Obama’s New Deal
Obama has an opportunity to further racial and economic justice by fusing the New Deal and civil rights traditions.
Nov 13, 2008 / William P. Jones
Joel Klein Should Not Be Secretary of Education Joel Klein Should Not Be Secretary of Education
His appointment would not represent the change promised by Barack Obama's election.
Nov 12, 2008 / StudentNation / The Nation
Richard Kim on Why Prop 8 Won Richard Kim on Why Prop 8 Won
The Nation's Richard Kim explores why the No on Prop 8 campaign failed to gain much momentum in California.
Nov 11, 2008 / GRITtv
Olbermann on Prop 8: ‘It’s About the Human Heart’ Olbermann on Prop 8: ‘It’s About the Human Heart’
Reflecting on the success of the anti-gay Prop 8 measure in California, Olbermann makes the case for love and understanding.
Nov 11, 2008 / Countdown