Nappy-headed Hos of the World Unite! Nappy-headed Hos of the World Unite!
What aroused Imus's twisted admiration and antagonism was the reality of strong, determined, aggressive women.
Apr 13, 2007 / Feature / Barbara Ehrenreich
Rutgers Team Is an Instrument for Change Rutgers Team Is an Instrument for Change
The fact that the media is astonished that the Rutgers athletes are articulate and smart is a tragedy.
Apr 11, 2007 / Feature / Carol Jenkins
Don Imus and the State of Women’s Sports Don Imus and the State of Women’s Sports
It's been thirty-five years since Title IX was passed, and women athletes are still battling the kind of sexism Imus espouses.
Apr 11, 2007 / Feature / Dave Zirin
Jesse Jackson Can’t Help Obama Jesse Jackson Can’t Help Obama
Obama thinks Jackson's endorsement will give him a rocket boost with black voters. It won't.
Apr 6, 2007 / Feature / Earl Ofari Hutchinson
The Politics of Pundit Prestige… The Politics of Pundit Prestige…
Media bigwigs are taking a beating as bloggers challenge their accuracy, integrity and transparency.
Apr 5, 2007 / Column / Eric Alterman
Making Blogging Pay Making Blogging Pay
As bloggers gain strength as the political voice of the left, how can they compete with well-funded mainstream media?
Apr 4, 2007 / Feature / Beccah Golubock Watson
Gitmo Justice Gitmo Justice
David Hicks pleads guilty and goes free, while the Supreme Court denies nearly 400 other terror suspects their day in court. This is justice?
John Amaechi’s Timeout John Amaechi’s Timeout
The openly gay former NBA star speaks eloquently against homophobia, the war in Iraq and racism.
Apr 4, 2007 / Feature / Dave Zirin
Leave Your Morals at the Border Leave Your Morals at the Border
A Supreme Court ruling turns a blind eye to torture and human rights violations, as long as they're done offshore.
Apr 4, 2007 / Column / Robert Scheer
ACT UP’s New Urgency ACT UP’s New Urgency
Twenty years after its founding, the AIDS activist group is expanding its mission to universal healthcare.
Apr 3, 2007 / Feature / Emily Douglas