
The Uphill Battle For Habeas Corpus in George W. Bush’s Washington, D.C.

The Uphill Battle For Habeas Corpus in George W. Bush’s Washington, D.C. The Uphill Battle For Habeas Corpus in George W. Bush’s Washington, D.C.

As Republicans and Democrats voted to approve the Military Commission Act last week, those who love the law were mortified by its passage and angry at those who capitulated, but un...

Oct 4, 2006 / Feature / Michael Ratner

We’ll Always Have Geneva We’ll Always Have Geneva

The Military Comissions Act of 2006 gives the Geneva Conventions a bold, new American twist. Here's a look at the bill's final markup.

Oct 2, 2006 / Feature / Evan Eisenberg

Reform Comes to the Boardroom Reform Comes to the Boardroom

Corporate America needs the discipline of democracy to help rid it of some very bad habits. And shareholder activists are pushing the SEC to shore up their rights.

Oct 2, 2006 / Feature / Kelly Candaele

Accessories to Torture Accessories to Torture

The only thing compromised in the Senate's catastrophic "compromise" of the enemy combatants bill is the rule of law and our democracy's basic principles.

Sep 29, 2006 / The Editors

Saints and the Superdome Saints and the Superdome

The hype-masters of sports would have us believe that the return of the New Orleans Saints to the Superdome is a sign of a city on the verge of resurrection. It's not.

Sep 28, 2006 / Column / Dave Zirin

A Meta-Read Is a Better Read A Meta-Read Is a Better Read

The notion that the function of journalists is to explain "the truth" is about as quaint as America's participation in the Geneva Conventions.

Sep 28, 2006 / Column / Eric Alterman

The FCC Scandal The FCC Scandal

It's official: Revelations that the FCC suppressed reports on the danger of media consolidation prove the agency is overwhelmingly biased in favor of big media.

Sep 28, 2006 / John Nichols

With the Party of Dobson With the Party of Dobson

At the unofficial GOP midterm convention, Focus on the Family delivered election-day marching orders to the faithful, praising GOP hopefuls and hurling jeremiads against liberals, ...

Sep 27, 2006 / Feature / Max Blumenthal

Get Me Rewrite Get Me Rewrite

Bill Clinton maintains that the mainstream media has misrepresented his record on fighting terror. But it will take a generation to meaningfully assess his effectiveness.

Sep 26, 2006 / Mark Updegrove

Screamin’ at the Machine Screamin’ at the Machine

We should be cheering at sports events and screaming at politicians. But these days, it's vice versa. Now that ESPN's Screamin' Stephen A. Smith is acting like a pundit, things cou...

Sep 26, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Dave Zirin
