Digital Music Revolution Digital Music Revolution
The music industry lives in fear of downloadable media, but artists have the vision to re-engineer our collective psyche.
Jun 15, 2006 / Feature / Paul D. Miller
The Self-Expression Sector The Self-Expression Sector
New forms of participatory media have changed public discourse, enabling people to publish, share and disseminate their own media creations. But will only the affluent be able to p...
Jun 15, 2006 / Feature / Rebecca MacKinnon
Co-opting Consumers of Color Co-opting Consumers of Color
Fewer minority-owned outlets means fewer minorities in the media. With such threats to public discourse, what will become of our voices, points of view and interests?
Jun 15, 2006 / Feature / Makani Themba
Fight for a Free Press Fight for a Free Press
The collapse of journalism and the rise of commercialism is sparking a reform movement that will fight to ensure the First Amendment endures in the digital age.
Jun 15, 2006 / Feature / Robert W. McChesney
Access of Evil Access of Evil
Compliant coverage of the Iraq War proved the news business is morally compromised, no longer driven by creative people with something to tell but by global corporations with somet...
Jun 15, 2006 / Feature / Amy Goodman
Brave New Media Brave New Media
We don't need to buy a network to get our message out--just creatively use an array of low-cost tools from the Internet to iPods, cellphones and whatever comes next.
Jun 15, 2006 / Feature / Robert Greenwald
The National Entertainment State (Forum) The National Entertainment State (Forum)
If the promise of new media is to be fulfilled, progressives must chart a course of activism that confronts the increasing concentration of ownership among the Big Media powerhouse...
Jun 15, 2006 / Feature / The Nation
Rebels With a Cause Rebels With a Cause
A new generation of student activists is flexing its muscles, rolling back employment rules in France, demanding education reform in Chile and fighting for immigrant rights in the ...
Jun 15, 2006 / Column / Gary Younge
Prairie Grass Roots Prairie Grass Roots
In South Dakota, prochoicers are fighting back with a bipartisan initiative challenging the abortion ban and a grassroots effort that has put progressive Native American women on t...
Jun 15, 2006 / Column / Katha Pollitt
Bunkum From Benador Bunkum From Benador
The debunking of a PR agency that circulated a bogus story about persecution of Jews in Iran exposed the moving parts of a media machine bent on preparing the American public fo...
Jun 14, 2006 / Larry Cohler-Esses