Keeping Gideon’s Promise Keeping Gideon’s Promise
Montana is setting the stage for other states in its push to improve legal representation for the poor and to address the lack of competent public attorneys.
Mar 16, 2006 / Feature / Eyal Press
Showdown on Immigration Showdown on Immigration
After twenty years of inaction, the US Senate is considering sweeping immigration reform. But a push for quick action and the November elections may thwart the current bipartisan c...
Mar 16, 2006 / Feature / Marc Cooper
Experimental Art Experimental Art
Alan Lightman makes scientists into artists in his new book The Discoveries, promoting original journal articles as "the great novels and symphonies of science."
Mar 16, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Joshua Foer
Three Who Made a Revolution Three Who Made a Revolution
Rachel Carson, Betty Friedan and Jane Jacobs opened vast new possibilities for social transformation by writing about widespread attacks on nature, women and the poor.
Mar 16, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Rebecca Solnit
Truth or Consequences Truth or Consequences
OK, kids: With conservatives on the hunt for dangerous left-wing academics, take this SAT (Save America from Treachery) test. See if you can tell the difference between a terroris...
Mar 16, 2006 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
Patriot Act Post-Mortem Patriot Act Post-Mortem
The failure of a complaisant, Republican-controlled Congress to enact meaningful changes to the Patriot Act means that midterm elections are the only true path to reform.
Mar 16, 2006 / David Cole
An American Inquisition? An American Inquisition?
The case of an architect who lost lucrative contracts because of his interest in the Palestinian cause underscores how Americans are becoming inured to enforced patriotism and ideo...
Mar 16, 2006 / The Editors
Too Hot for New York Too Hot for New York
My Name Is Rachel Corrie was a big hit in London, but the New York Theatre Workshop backed off from producing the play. Why is it so hard for Americans to have a healthy debate abo...
Mar 16, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Philip Weiss
The Bolton Archipelago The Bolton Archipelago
John Bolton's grandstanding vote today opposing the establishment of a UN Human Rights Council might please hard-core isolationists. But no one else.
Mar 16, 2006 / Feature / Ian Williams
A Whole New Ball Game A Whole New Ball Game
Major League Baseball owners may gripe, but the World Baseball Classic provides a glimpse of an alternative future for our national pastime.
Mar 15, 2006 / Column / Dave Zirin