The Hidden State Steps Forward The Hidden State Steps Forward
The Bush Administration is not a dictatorship, but it has all the markings of one in embryonic form. Bush has declared himself to be above the law, and members of Congress have no ...
Dec 20, 2005 / Jonathan Schell
A History of Violence A History of Violence
Munich is a first-rate spy thriller featuring an assassin who reveals his soul. Ang Lee's Brokeback Mountain gives two extraordinary actors time and space to develop a rare emotion...
Dec 20, 2005 / Books & the Arts / Stuart Klawans
Out of Place Out of Place
Hope and Other Dangerous Pursuits, portraits of the Moroccan immigrants in Spain, gracefully evokes the unease of immigrants caught adrift between the stagnation of their old homes...
Dec 20, 2005 / Books & the Arts / Emily Lodish
The Rumble Down Under The Rumble Down Under
Discrimination is on the rise for Australia's Muslims and others of Middle-Eastern descent, as Prime Minister John Howard's draconian anti-terror laws echo the fear-mongering tacti...
Dec 20, 2005 / Feature / Richard Pollak
Brave Neuro World Brave Neuro World
As neurotechnology expands our abilities to rejuvenate aging brains, rebound from trauma and enhance moods or sexual prowess, we need a consistent set of neuroethics about how that...
Dec 20, 2005 / Feature / Kathryn Schulz
Dances With Ghosts Dances With Ghosts
As the House of Representatives voted to allow oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Ohio Democrat Dennis Kucinich decried the back-door methods and contemplated t...
Dec 19, 2005 / Feature / Dennis Kucinich
Conrad Black’s Fall Conrad Black’s Fall
Reading Patrick Fitzgerald's sixty-page indictment of publishing magnate Conrad Black and his associates, one gets the feeling that the next stop for this high-living power-broker ...
Dec 15, 2005 / Scott Sherman
Another 9/11? Never Mind… Another 9/11? Never Mind…
The 9/11 Commission's startling follow-up report that savages the Bush Administration's inadequate efforts to protect the country from terrorism was met by the media with a collect...
Dec 15, 2005 / Column / Eric Alterman
Pentagon Secretly Paid to Place Articles In Iraqi Newspapers: Another Lesson in Democracy Pentagon Secretly Paid to Place Articles In Iraqi Newspapers: Another Lesson in Democracy
This just in: The Pentagon offers yet another lesson in democracy. Just don't look for any bylines.
Dec 15, 2005 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Left to Die Left to Die
If a society is measured by the treatment of its prisoners, we are in deeper trouble in New Orleans than we realize. The biggest prison crisis since Attica is now unfolding in the ...
Dec 15, 2005 / Feature / Billy Sothern