Justice Talking Justice Talking
In his memoir, Taking Liberties, Aryeh Neier emerges, almost despite himself, as a fascinating man.
Oct 2, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Scott L. Malcomson
In Our Orbit In Our Orbit
In 1990, The Nation ran a dispatch from Portland, Oregon, by editorial board member Elinor Langer titled "The American Neo-Nazi Movement Today." The piece, which took up almost...
Oct 2, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Emily Biuso
Republicans Relaunch the Antigay Culture Wars Republicans Relaunch the Antigay Culture Wars
The GOP embrace of homophobia is more than simply a sop to the far right.
Oct 2, 2003 / Feature / Doug Ireland
Spanking Head Start Spanking Head Start
Used to be, nearly everyone--Democrat or Republican--loved Head Start, the federal preschool program for kids from low-income families. And why not?
Oct 2, 2003 / Jennifer Niesslein
State of Denial State of Denial
We live in interesting times. These days we can all pretty much acknowledge that race does not exist as a scientific construct; these days, we can all agree that racism is wron...
Sep 25, 2003 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
Educating for Privilege Educating for Privilege
As a law school dean, I was much taken with a statement from Justice Sandra Day O'Connor's landmark opinion in the University of Michigan case: "Law schools represent the train...
Sep 25, 2003 / Gene Nichol
No-Privacy Zone No-Privacy Zone
If you want to read everything The Nation has ever published on civil liberties and privacy, click here for information on how to acquire individual access to The Nation Digital A...
Sep 25, 2003 / David Jones
Seeing Red at the Post Seeing Red at the Post
I did a double take when I got to the eighth paragraph of the Washington Post's eleven-paragraph August 21 news story on Kathy Boudin's parole.
Sep 25, 2003 / Victor Navasky
A Death in Iran A Death in Iran
When Canadian freelance photojournalist Zahra Kazemi flew to her native country of Iran last spring, little did she know that covering the student protests would be her final ass...
Sep 22, 2003 / Feature / Ladane Nasseri
Yale Workers Win Yale Workers Win
Late last week, Yale clerical and maintenance workers who had been striking for three weeks won a contract that will transform the standard of living of clerical workers at the u...
Sep 22, 2003 / Feature / Kim Phillips-Fein