As the Press Turns As the Press Turns
Quick, pinch me--am I still living in the same country? Reading and watching the same media? This "Bob Woodward" fellow who co-wrote a tough piece in the May 18 Washington Post...
May 23, 2002 / Michael Tomasky
Dick Cheney’s Primer on the Constitution Dick Cheney’s Primer on the Constitution
So what's it called if during war you criticize the President for any reason? Treason. And how long does this war go on (and this is where this theory's really pretty clever)? ...
May 23, 2002 / Column / Calvin Trillin
In Cold Type In Cold Type
haven't done much mental spring cleaning because so much of the last month has been taken up with brooding and spewing about the crisis in the Middle East; no doubt the coming mon...
May 23, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Amy Wilentz
Yaqui Way of Knowledge Yaqui Way of Knowledge
Although Chicano identity has been Luis Valdez's theme since all but the earliest years of El Teatro Campesino, the guerrilla theater he founded in the 1960s, getting a clear sens...
May 23, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Hal Gelb
US and Evil Axis–Allies for Abstinence US and Evil Axis–Allies for Abstinence
President Dubya loves to crusade against the "axis of evil" in his war on terrorism--but he formed an unholy alliance with the countries that make up the "axis" to declare war on...
May 16, 2002 / Feature / Doug Ireland
Racial Prescriptions Racial Prescriptions
A recent front-page story in the Boston Globe proclaimed that New England leads the nation in Ritalin prescription levels. Somewhat to my surprise, the prevalence of Ritalin in...
May 16, 2002 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
Journeys With Fecklessness Journeys With Fecklessness
The essential mystery of the 2000 election has always been this: How in the world did George W. Bush ever get close enough to invite the Republican-appointed majority on the Su...
May 16, 2002 / Column / Eric Alterman
Vigilante Justice Vigilante Justice
On Friday, September 15, four days after the terrorist attacks, an 18-year-old Moroccan boy received an unusual request from his school guidance counselor: Come see me as soon as ...
Power Politics at Yale Power Politics at Yale
As a Russian studies major at Yale in the 1970s, I observed Soviet "elections" that were conducted more fairly than the 2002 Yale Corporation's board of trustees election. Why is ...
May 16, 2002 / Sherrod Brown
Israel and ‘Anti-Semitism’ Israel and ‘Anti-Semitism’
Right in the wake of House majority leader Dick Armey's explicit call for several million Palestinians to be booted out of the West Bank, and East Jerusalem and Gaza as well, c...
May 16, 2002 / Column / Alexander Cockburn