Diversity and Its Malcontents Diversity and Its Malcontents
David L. Kirp has chronicled the Mount Laurel, New Jersey, history in Almost Home: America's Love-Hate Relationship with Community (Princeton).
Apr 3, 2003 / Books & the Arts / David Kirp
Lawyers Keep Out Lawyers Keep Out
Because September 11 "changed everything," it hasn't always been easy to find an objective yardstick by which to judge the Bush Administration's tactics in the "war on terroris...
Apr 3, 2003 / David Cole
Statement in Support of Legislation to Prohibit Cloning Statement in Support of Legislation to Prohibit Cloning
We, the undersigned, support legislation to prohibit the cloning of human embryos for either medical experimentation or for giving birth to a human being.
Apr 2, 2003 / The Nation
Assault on Diversity Assault on Diversity
On April 1 the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the University of Michigan affirmative action cases on whether to overturn the 1978 Bakke decision and ban consideration ...
Mar 31, 2003 / Feature / Alfred Ross and Lee Cokorinos
Shocks to the Constitution Shocks to the Constitution
Spring officially began on Thursday, March 20, but the first real spring day in Washington was Saturday, a blindingly sunny day, flowers just beginning to peek out, the Nationa...
Mar 27, 2003 / David Cole
Bush and God Bush and God
Not since Jimmy Carter's confession that he had lusted in his heart after women other than his wife have Americans been so interested in the religious life of the man occupying...
Mar 27, 2003 / Randall Balmer
CNN–War Casualty CNN–War Casualty
You could have knocked CNN's Aaron Brown over with a feather.
Mar 27, 2003 / Susan J. Douglas
On White Preferences On White Preferences
The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the University of Michigan affirmative action cases on April 1.
Mar 27, 2003 / Jay Rosner
Codes of Etiquette Codes of Etiquette
Recently, Nilas Martins, principal dancer at the New York City Ballet, was stopped in Washington, DC, by gun-wielding policemen.
Mar 27, 2003 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
The Tragedy of William O. Douglas The Tragedy of William O. Douglas
William O. Douglas was a judicial record-setter.
Mar 27, 2003 / Books & the Arts / David J. Garrow