Chelsea in Oxford Chelsea in Oxford
Chelsea Clinton bristles at the antiwar movement while she attends Oxford.
Dec 4, 2001 / Feature / Daniel Swift
The M/F Boxes The M/F Boxes
Transgender activists may force us to rethink basic assumptions about sex.
Nov 29, 2001 / Feature / E.J. Graff
The Ends of War The Ends of War
Now that the Taliban regime has fallen in Afghanistan, that group's leaders can face fair and open trials for their crimes against humanity.
Nov 29, 2001 / Column / Christopher Hitchens
Press Watch Press Watch
The Times fans the flames of public fear around the anthrax attacks.
Nov 29, 2001 / Michael Massing
Can Patriotism Be Compassionate? Can Patriotism Be Compassionate?
Moral concern begins with the local, but shouldn't stop there.
Nov 29, 2001 / Feature / Martha C. Nussbaum
After the Taliban After the Taliban
Laura Bush might put on a good face for women's rights in Afghanistan, but her husband's handwork works against women in other places.
Nov 29, 2001 / Column / Katha Pollitt
Alien’s Law Alien’s Law
Noncitizens in the United States face an increasingly harsh Ashcroft-run Justice Department.
Nov 29, 2001 / Bruce Shapiro
National Security State National Security State
Even stalwart liberals are knuckling under to the security state in the wake of September 11.
Nov 29, 2001 / David Cole
Ashcroft Justice Ashcroft Justice
The Justice Department under John Ashcroft is alienating allies in the 'war on terror.'
Nov 29, 2001 / The Editors
Students Wrestle With War Students Wrestle With War
Embattled campus activists hone their message about the crisis in Afghanistan.
Nov 29, 2001 / Feature / Liza Featherstone