Rogue Nation Rogue Nation
News that the United States has been voted off the UN Human Rights Commission and the UN international drug monitoring board has elicited vows of revenge from conservatives in Con...
May 10, 2001 / The Editors
News and Profits News and Profits
Jay T. Harris resigned March 19 as publisher of the San Jose Mercury News, saying he was unwilling to make staff cuts necessary to meet the profit goals of Knight Ridder, the pape...
May 10, 2001 / Jay T. Harris
Leave No Child Behind? Leave No Child Behind?
I scanned all the cheap effusions that followed the Bob Kerrey disclosures, looking for just one mention of just one name. Ron Ridenhour. Ron was the GI who got wind of the My La...
May 10, 2001 / Column / Christopher Hitchens
Bush’s Antichoice Assault Bush’s Antichoice Assault
In many respects, the recent meeting in Chicago of the National Abortion Federation (NAF), the major professional association of abortion providers in North America, looked like a...
May 10, 2001 / Carole Joffe
Happy Mother’s Day Happy Mother’s Day
When we left that old journalistic evergreen, the evils of daycare, two weeks ago, the media hysteria over the NICHD study had just about peaked. The researchers had begun to tur...
May 10, 2001 / Column / Katha Pollitt
The Fight for the Americas The Fight for the Americas
In Canada, Maude Barlow gave a stirring speech criticizing the free-trade agenda of the Summit of the Americas.
May 8, 2001 / Maude Barlow
Take Back the Courts Take Back the Courts
President Bush's power to appoint judges is one he hardly deserves because of the way he achieved his office.
May 3, 2001 / The Editors
Harvard’s Shame Harvard’s Shame
A sit-in at the university highlights the gulf between a great educational institution and the unconscionable working conditions many of its employees experience there.
May 3, 2001 / Benjamin L. McKean
‘A Fair and Just Amnesty’ ‘A Fair and Just Amnesty’
A grassroots movement for immigrant legalization is gathering strength.
May 3, 2001 / Feature / Julie Quiroz-Martínez
AIDS and Poverty in Africa AIDS and Poverty in Africa
Prevention and treatment require a focus on overall health and development.
May 3, 2001 / Feature / Eileen Stillwaggon