Pricks Up Your Ears Pricks Up Your Ears
In the August 9/16 issue of The Nation, Alexander Cockburn discusses Pacifica's alleged plans to use "scab" programming. KPFK General Manager Mark Schubb has told The Nation that h...
Jul 22, 1999 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
Pacifica on the Brink Pacifica on the Brink
Marc Cooper hosts a daily drive-time show on Pacifica's KPFK.
Jul 22, 1999 / Marc Cooper
Ex-Prom Queen Goes Home Ex-Prom Queen Goes Home
Thomas Wolfe wrote that you can't go home again. Alix Kates Shulman disagrees.
Jul 22, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Beverly Gologorsky
Doctors’ Brains Doctors’ Brains
It's 9:45 Tuesday night, and the house lights have just come on after the final scene of Wit--the surprise Off Broadway hit about a terminally ill English professor and her exper...
Jul 8, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Suzanne Gordon
Rhyme and Resist Rhyme and Resist
Organizing the Hip-Hop Generation Each generation must out of relative obscurity discover its mission, fulfill it, or betray it.
Jul 8, 1999 / Feature / Angela Ards
Natural Born Killers Natural Born Killers
It didn't take long for the press to connect 21-year-old white-supremacist multikiller Benjamin Smith with the all-purpose explanation du jour: violent entertainment, in this ca...
Jul 8, 1999 / Column / Katha Pollitt
Rehnquist’s Revenge Rehnquist’s Revenge
William Rehnquist may be the most patient and unyielding radical ever to occupy high office in America.
Jul 1, 1999 / The Editors
Social Security for Women Social Security for Women
Despite the rosy projections and numerical alchemy that proponents employ to push their cause, privatizing Social Security won't build much wealth for women, and it will leave el...
Jul 1, 1999 / Trudy Lieberman
Media Matters Media Matters
A new bride returns from a romantic honeymoon and opens a locked door in the family home, only to discover the mutilated corpses of her husband's six ex-wives.
Jul 1, 1999 / Column / Tara Zahra
Civil Society Civil Society
"Why do you care so much?" said a white friend to me during a debate about suspect profiling. "Don't take it so personally--the police aren't after you in the black middle class.
Jul 1, 1999 / Column / Patricia J. Williams