What the Congressional Budget Office Doesn’t Get What the Congressional Budget Office Doesn’t Get
About a $15-an-hour minimum wage, unemployment, and why a low-wage economy is bad for everyone.
Feb 17, 2021 / Marshall Auerback and Albena Azmanova

It’s the Economic Precarity, Stupid It’s the Economic Precarity, Stupid
Economic inequality is a symptom of a broader problem that, if left unaddressed, will trigger more radicalization.
Jan 28, 2021 / Albena Azmanova and Marshall Auerback

2020 Was the ‘Precarity Election’ 2020 Was the ‘Precarity Election’
Democrats’ failure to address the issue of economic precarity undermines their claim to be the party of the working class.
Nov 13, 2020 / Albena Azmanova and Marshall Auerback