No Plumbing, No Protection: The Story of Milwaukee’s Evicted No Plumbing, No Protection: The Story of Milwaukee’s Evicted
Many of the worst symptoms of American poverty are rooted in the instability brought on by eviction, according to a new book by sociologist Matthew Desmond.
Apr 29, 2016 / Alyssa Katz

Rays of Light in the Shadow of Dark Money Rays of Light in the Shadow of Dark Money
Amid the onslaught of anonymous political donations, some grassroots activists are gearing up for a counteroffensive. Here are five promising strategies for 2016 and beyond.
Aug 27, 2015 / Alyssa Katz

Proving Grounds: On the World Trade Center Proving Grounds: On the World Trade Center
How the World Trade Center turned Manhattan into a planned community.
Sep 21, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Alyssa Katz

Who’s Afraid of Progressive Power? Who’s Afraid of Progressive Power?
The Working Families Party faces down the corporate backlash.
Oct 13, 2010 / Feature / Alyssa Katz
The Power of Fusion Politics The Power of Fusion Politics
Two political lines could be better than one: Consider the successful tactics of the Working Families Party.
Aug 25, 2005 / Feature / Alyssa Katz