The Blue-Blood Families That Made Fortunes in the Opium Trade The Blue-Blood Families That Made Fortunes in the Opium Trade
Long before the Sacklers appeared on the scene, families like the Astors, the Peabodys, and the Delanos cemented their upper-crust status through the global trade in opium.
Jan 23, 2024 / Feature / Amitav Ghosh
The Theater of Cruelty The Theater of Cruelty
The detainee abuses at Abu Ghraib were both a continuation and a divergence from historical prison practices.
Jun 29, 2005 / Books & the Arts / Amitav Ghosh
Imperial Temptation Imperial Temptation
The idea of empire, once so effectively used by Ronald Reagan to discredit the Soviet Union, has recently undergone a strange rehabilitation in the United States. This process, wh...
May 9, 2002 / Amitav Ghosh
‘The Ghat of the Only World’: Agha Shahid Ali in Brooklyn ‘The Ghat of the Only World’: Agha Shahid Ali in Brooklyn
The first time that Agha Shahid Ali, the great Kashmiri poet, spoke to me about his approaching death was in April of last year. The conversation began routinely. I had telephone...
Jan 24, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Amitav Ghosh