Ari Berman


Ari Berman is a former senior contributing writer for The Nation.

Repairing American Democracy Should Be a Central Issue in the 2016 Campaign

Repairing American Democracy Should Be a Central Issue in the 2016 Campaign Repairing American Democracy Should Be a Central Issue in the 2016 Campaign

Three ways to fix US politics: Reduce big money, end gerrymandering, make it easier to vote.  

Feb 11, 2016 / Ari Berman

New Hampshire’s New Voter-ID Law Could Lead to Longer Lines, Voter Intimidation

New Hampshire’s New Voter-ID Law Could Lead to Longer Lines, Voter Intimidation New Hampshire’s New Voter-ID Law Could Lead to Longer Lines, Voter Intimidation

The controversial new voting restriction will be in full effect for the first time during Tuesday’s presidential primary.

Feb 8, 2016 / Ari Berman

Donald Trump flag

Donald Trump Becomes the GOP’s Newest Voter-Fraud Fraudster Donald Trump Becomes the GOP’s Newest Voter-Fraud Fraudster

Trump accuses Cruz of stealing the Iowa caucus, but the roots of the GOP’s voter-fraud crusade go much deeper.

Feb 3, 2016 / Ari Berman

Florida voting lines

Marco Rubio Wants You to Wait 6 Hours to Vote Marco Rubio Wants You to Wait 6 Hours to Vote

When asked about six-hour lines to vote in Florida, Rubio bizarrely responded, “That is only on Election Day.”

Feb 1, 2016 / Ari Berman

How the GOP Candidates Are Blocking the Vote

How the GOP Candidates Are Blocking the Vote How the GOP Candidates Are Blocking the Vote

Ted Cruz is leading the charge, but all of them support tough new voting restrictions.

Jan 28, 2016 / Ari Berman

The 94-Year-Old Civil-Rights Pioneer Who Is Now Challenging North Carolina’s Voter-ID Law

The 94-Year-Old Civil-Rights Pioneer Who Is Now Challenging North Carolina’s Voter-ID Law The 94-Year-Old Civil-Rights Pioneer Who Is Now Challenging North Carolina’s Voter-ID Law

Can Rosanell Eaton succeed in getting the new voter-ID law blocked before the 2016 election?

Jan 25, 2016 / Ari Berman

Ferguson Election

Black Votes Matter in Ferguson Black Votes Matter in Ferguson

A federal trial challenging the city’s discriminatory election system begins today.

Jan 11, 2016 / Ari Berman

Ford Foundation

Eric Holder on Voting Rights, Black Lives Matter, Karl Rove, and Tupac Eric Holder on Voting Rights, Black Lives Matter, Karl Rove, and Tupac

The country’s first black attorney general candidly discusses the state of civil rights in America.

Dec 10, 2015 / Ari Berman

Supreme Court

Voting Rights Are Threatened Again Before the Supreme Court Voting Rights Are Threatened Again Before the Supreme Court

The same conservatives who gutted the Voting Rights Act are now challenging “one person, one vote.”

Dec 8, 2015 / Ari Berman

Alabama Capitol

Alabama’s Controversial Voter-ID Law Is Challenged In Court Alabama’s Controversial Voter-ID Law Is Challenged In Court

One day after the 60th anniversary of the Montgomery bus boycott, civil-rights groups charge Alabama with violating the Voting Rights Act.

Dec 2, 2015 / Ari Berman
