Trump’s War on Children Trump’s War on Children
White House policies form an unprecedented assault on kids—but, of course, not the white kids.
Jul 20, 2018 / Aziz Huq

Is the Republican Party a Threat to the Constitution? Is the Republican Party a Threat to the Constitution?
Only the GOP can save (or destroy) democracy in America.
Oct 4, 2017 / Aziz Huq
In the Healthcare Decision, a Hidden Threat? In the Healthcare Decision, a Hidden Threat?
Could the Supreme Court's ruling on healthcare be a major victory for those who want to limit the social safety net?
Jun 29, 2012 / Aziz Huq
Why the Affordable Care Act Does Not Put Your Freedom At Risk Why the Affordable Care Act Does Not Put Your Freedom At Risk
Congress could impose the same mandate simply by calling it a tax instead.
Apr 4, 2012 / Aziz Huq

How the NYPD Slipped Blanket Surveillance of American Muslims Past the Courts—and the People How the NYPD Slipped Blanket Surveillance of American Muslims Past the Courts—and the People
What prevents government from singling out a religious or political group for invasive surveillance and coercive recruitment into the ranks of state informants? In the Big A...
Sep 26, 2011 / Aziz Huq
In Healthcare Ruling, Libertarianism by Judicial Diktat In Healthcare Ruling, Libertarianism by Judicial Diktat
The problem with Judge Vinson’s ruling against the healthcare law is not that it is activist. It’s that it’s wrong.
Feb 9, 2011 / Aziz Huq

Holder Gambles With Terrorism Suspects’ Miranda Rights Holder Gambles With Terrorism Suspects’ Miranda Rights
Expanding the public safety exception to Miranda may not make much difference on the ground. But Holder's push suggests the Obama administration has bought Bush's framing on terror...
May 18, 2010 / Aziz Huq
Bad Law, Smart Politics in Constitutional Challenges to Healthcare Reform Bad Law, Smart Politics in Constitutional Challenges to Healthcare Reform
Legal experts say constitutional challenges to the healthcare reform legislation don't have a leg to stand on. But as politics, these suits could be a roaring success.
Apr 16, 2010 / Aziz Huq
Justice Souter’s Jurisprudence Justice Souter’s Jurisprudence
He has quietly and diligently mined the law to return history and humanity to the court. Obama would do well to name someone like him.
May 1, 2009 / Aziz Huq
Why We Detain the Innocent Why We Detain the Innocent
Yet again the courts have ignored the Constitution and legal precedent, leaving seventeen innocent Guantánamo detainees in legal limbo.
Feb 26, 2009 / Aziz Huq