The Intractable Puzzle of Growth The Intractable Puzzle of Growth
For more than a century, the key measure of a healthy economy has been its capacity to grow and yet if production and consumption continues to expand at their current rate we migh...
Aug 26, 2024 / Books & the Arts / Benjamin Kunkel

Marx’s Revenge Marx’s Revenge
He may have lived a 19th-century life, but his ideas keep coming back with a vengeance.
Feb 8, 2017 / Books & the Arts / Benjamin Kunkel
Uneasy Rider Uneasy Rider
It's not often that a new style appears in American prose, but this is what happened with John Haskell's first book, a collection of short stories called I am not Jackson Pollock...
Feb 3, 2005 / Books & the Arts / Benjamin Kunkel
Killing Time Killing Time
From its unification in 1871 until its comprehensive defeat in 1945, Germany was the most bellicose and nationalistic of modern countries.
Feb 12, 2004 / Books & the Arts / Benjamin Kunkel
The Emigrant The Emigrant
On December 14, the German writer W.G. Sebald died, age 57, in a car accident in England, where he had lived for thirty-five years. He had published four remarkable books: fluid, ...
Mar 14, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Benjamin Kunkel
Slouching to the Ouija Board Slouching to the Ouija Board
"Does the imagination dwell the most/Upon a woman won or woman lost?" Yeats asked. For most of his readers and biographers, the answer has been clear: a woman lost.
Oct 28, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Benjamin Kunkel
Eat, Drink and Be Chary Eat, Drink and Be Chary
J.M. Coetzee's new novella, The Lives of Animals, must be some kind of first.
Jun 17, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Benjamin Kunkel