Bill Gallegos

Bill Gallegos is the former executive director of Communities for a Better Environment (a California environmental justice organization), a longtime Chicano activist, and a member of the editorial board of The Nation.

Two women stand in uniform with their hands behind their back.

Why We Should Honor the Chicano Moratorium Against the War Why We Should Honor the Chicano Moratorium Against the War

On this date 54 years ago, the largest ethnically focussed action in the movement against the Vietnam War took place—offering an important example of the power of a people united....

Aug 29, 2024 / Bill Gallegos

Members of United Auto Workers on a picket line in Tuscaloosa, Ala., on September 20, 2023.

Why the Environmental Justice Movement Should Support the UAW Organizing Drive Why the Environmental Justice Movement Should Support the UAW Organizing Drive

A progressive version of the right’s Southern strategy could remake our politics—and ensure that the cars of the future, and the batteries they run on, are built by union labor.

Mar 11, 2024 / Bill Gallegos and Manuel Pastor

people hold flags at a may day rally in Brazil

With Lula in Charge, What’s Next for the Brazilian Left? With Lula in Charge, What’s Next for the Brazilian Left?

Brazilian labor leaders Artur Henrique and Marcio Pochmann share their thoughts on the continuing danger of the far right in Brazil.

May 15, 2023 / Q&A / Bill Fletcher Jr. and Bill Gallegos

The Dangers of Ignoring the Latino Vote This November

The Dangers of Ignoring the Latino Vote This November The Dangers of Ignoring the Latino Vote This November

Pretending we only exist in election years is a losing strategy for the left.

Oct 17, 2022 / Bill Gallegos

Councilman Gil Cedillo and Kevin de Leon's chairs sit empty at Wednesday's city council meeting.

The Racial Volcano Explodes in Los Angeles The Racial Volcano Explodes in Los Angeles

The current crisis has unleashed unleashed a firestorm of protest that could further divide the city’s communities. But it is also a chance to forge real unity in opposition to the...

Oct 14, 2022 / Bill Gallegos and Bill Fletcher Jr.

BIPOC? ¡Basta!

BIPOC? ¡Basta! BIPOC? ¡Basta!

Time to blow the final whistle on the oppression Olympics.

Jun 9, 2022 / Bill Fletcher Jr. and Bill Gallegos

Mexico Takes on the the United States’ Gun Goliaths

Mexico Takes on the the United States’ Gun Goliaths Mexico Takes on the the United States’ Gun Goliaths

The Mexican government’s lawsuit against US gun manufacturers may be a long shot. But if it succeeds, it could completely change the terrain in the fight to combat gun crime in bot...

Mar 29, 2022 / Bill Gallegos
