Bob Moser

Contributing Writer

Bob Moser, the author of Blue Dixie: Awakening the South’s Democratic Majority, writes about politics and religion for The New Yorker and other outlets.

Mitch McConnell Defends His Turf

Mitch McConnell Defends His Turf Mitch McConnell Defends His Turf

Can a political newcomer unseat Kentucky’s most aggressive campaigner?

Sep 22, 2020 / Feature / Bob Moser

Texas’ Wild Tea Party

Texas’ Wild Tea Party Texas’ Wild Tea Party

Only the deepest cuts in the country will satisfy this crowd. Will the treatment kill the patient?

May 11, 2011 / Feature / Bob Moser

Texas Tea

Texas Tea Texas Tea

Can Governor Rick Perry hold off a stronger than expected challenger and take a shot at 2012?

Oct 6, 2010 / Feature / Bob Moser

Texas Hold ’em, Tea Party Style Texas Hold ’em, Tea Party Style

Debra Medina has come from nowhere to threaten a runoff in the GOP gubernatorial primary.

Feb 18, 2010 / Feature / Bob Moser

Devil in the Old Dominion Devil in the Old Dominion

Everyone is looking to Virginia's off-year gubernatorial contest as a Middle American barometer for 2010.

Oct 21, 2009 / Bob Moser

A New, Blue Dixie A New, Blue Dixie

Obama's "Southern strategy" pays off.

Nov 13, 2008 / Feature / Bob Moser

Obamalina Obamalina

North Carolinians have fallen, surprisingly for Obama. But how hard?

Oct 22, 2008 / Feature / Bob Moser

Democrats Stage a Revival in Texas Democrats Stage a Revival in Texas

It's their most surprising red-state revival--and Barack Obama's happy dilemma.

Jul 1, 2008 / Feature / Bob Moser

Obama’s Choice Obama’s Choice

Obama's strangest option for a running mate is also his strongest: Jim Webb, one of the left's strongest voices on Iraq and economic fairness.

May 29, 2008 / Bob Moser

Mill Hill Populism Mill Hill Populism

Meet the new face of economic politics in post-NAFTA North Carolina.

Apr 24, 2008 / Feature / Bob Moser
