After the Prigozhin Rebellion After the Prigozhin Rebellion
The next months will bring a battle for power and property.
Jul 6, 2023 / Boris Kagarlitsky

Nationwide Protest of Putin’s War, and Exodus From Putin’s Russia Nationwide Protest of Putin’s War, and Exodus From Putin’s Russia
Russian history reminds that every major military defeat has led to the beginning of serious reforms or revolution.
Oct 21, 2022 / Boris Kagarlitsky

Murder Beside the Kremlin Murder Beside the Kremlin
Amid accusations slung between rival political camps, a different explanation of the death of Boris Nemtsov emerges.
Mar 4, 2015 / Boris Kagarlitsky
Russia After the Election Russia After the Election
The opposition movement must be reconstructed anew, from the bottom and from the left.
Mar 8, 2012 / Boris Kagarlitsky
On Power and Russia’s Protests On Power and Russia’s Protests
The prosperous, urban middle-class—those who benefit from the government’s policies—have revolted against it. If even they don’t support the existing order,...
Feb 7, 2012 / Boris Kagarlitsky