Bruce Shapiro

Contributing Editor

Bruce Shapiro, a contributing editor to The Nation, is executive director of the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma.

Comey Intelligence Hearing

We Must Investigate the Russia Hacking Charges—Without Cold-War Hysteria We Must Investigate the Russia Hacking Charges—Without Cold-War Hysteria

Exaggerated fear of foreign subversion can be more damaging to our democracy than external enemies.

Mar 23, 2017 / Bruce Shapiro

Trump signing orders

The Real Danger in Trump’s Attacks on Judges The Real Danger in Trump’s Attacks on Judges

He’s repeating the right-wing libel of “judicial overreach”—but he’s also challenging the bedrock principle of judicial supremacy on constitutional questions.

Feb 16, 2017 / Bruce Shapiro

The One Law That Could Have Prevented the Fort Lauderdale Shooting

The One Law That Could Have Prevented the Fort Lauderdale Shooting The One Law That Could Have Prevented the Fort Lauderdale Shooting

If Alaska had a gun-violence restraining order on the books, Esteban Santiago might never have made it to Florida with a deadly arsenal.

Jan 9, 2017 / Bruce Shapiro

Jill Stein

Jill Stein’s Recount Drive Is Futile and Misdirected Jill Stein’s Recount Drive Is Futile and Misdirected

I’m all for recounts in any close election—but I also believe in facing facts.

Nov 28, 2016 / Bruce Shapiro

Hillary-Bernie Electoral Politics

The Democratic Convention Is Highlighting the Difference Between Electoral and Movement Politics The Democratic Convention Is Highlighting the Difference Between Electoral and Movement Politics

Elected officials operate within the parameters of possibility. Movement politics is about redefining those parameters.

Jul 27, 2016 / Bruce Shapiro

To Beat a Nasty, Brutish Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton Will Have to Do Something Different

To Beat a Nasty, Brutish Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton Will Have to Do Something Different To Beat a Nasty, Brutish Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton Will Have to Do Something Different

Old-school triangulation and appealing to moderates is not going to work this year.

May 16, 2016 / Bruce Shapiro

Nothing About the 1994 Crime Bill Was Unintentional

Nothing About the 1994 Crime Bill Was Unintentional Nothing About the 1994 Crime Bill Was Unintentional

In the ’90s, Bill Clinton exploited fears about crime in the same way that Donald Trump uses immigration today.

Apr 11, 2016 / Bruce Shapiro

Protest Donald Trump and What He Stands for Everywhere

Protest Donald Trump and What He Stands for Everywhere Protest Donald Trump and What He Stands for Everywhere

Violence—actual, desired, and imagined—has been at the spasmodic heart of American politics since September 11, and the GOP front-runner knows it.

Mar 14, 2016 / Bruce Shapiro

Why Apple Should Cooperate With the FBI

Why Apple Should Cooperate With the FBI Why Apple Should Cooperate With the FBI

Far from serving civil liberties and the public interest, its refusal to do so undermines corporate accountability and civil rights.

Feb 29, 2016 / Bruce Shapiro

Flyers are seen posted on a college noticeboard on campus at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut November 12, 2015.

Don’t Tell the Student Protesters at Yale to ‘Grow Up’ Don’t Tell the Student Protesters at Yale to ‘Grow Up’

They are already plenty grown up. It’s their adult critics who are behaving like children.

Nov 13, 2015 / Bruce Shapiro
