Bryce Covert


Bryce Covert is a contributing writer at The Nation and was a 2023 Reporter in Residence at Omidyar Network.

No Wonder Teachers Are Saying Enough Is Enough

No Wonder Teachers Are Saying Enough Is Enough No Wonder Teachers Are Saying Enough Is Enough

Public-school teachers around the country have been asked to do more with less.

Mar 29, 2018 / StudentNation / Bryce Covert

Does Monopoly Power Explain Workers’ Stagnant Wages?

Does Monopoly Power Explain Workers’ Stagnant Wages? Does Monopoly Power Explain Workers’ Stagnant Wages?

As industries get more concentrated, workers have fewer employment options—and less leverage to get a raise.

Feb 15, 2018 / Feature / Bryce Covert

Work Requirements Failed Once, and They’ll Fail Again

Work Requirements Failed Once, and They’ll Fail Again Work Requirements Failed Once, and They’ll Fail Again

Requiring Medicaid recipients to find employment is a cruel solution to a nonexistent problem.

Feb 8, 2018 / Bryce Covert

When Harassment Is the Price of a Job

When Harassment Is the Price of a Job When Harassment Is the Price of a Job

As decades of activism meet the #MeToo moment, could the food-service industry be poised for sweeping change?

Feb 7, 2018 / Feature / Bryce Covert

‘It Becomes Your Job to Provide the Girlfriend Experience’: Women’s Stories of Work in Food Service

‘It Becomes Your Job to Provide the Girlfriend Experience’: Women’s Stories of Work in Food Service ‘It Becomes Your Job to Provide the Girlfriend Experience’: Women’s Stories of Work in Food Service

Whether they’re waitresses, bartenders, hostesses, or fast-food workers, the women who serve our food and drinks face routine sexual harassment.

Feb 7, 2018 / Feature / Bryce Covert

6 Perspectives on the Future of #MeToo

6 Perspectives on the Future of #MeToo 6 Perspectives on the Future of #MeToo

Our writers reflect on how this remarkable moment of accountability can grow and endure.

Dec 13, 2017 / Feature / Jane Fonda, Bryce Covert, Katha Pollitt, Collier Meyerson, Raina Lipsitz, and Joan Walsh

Long Sacrosanct, the Mortgage-Interest Deduction Comes Under Scrutiny

Long Sacrosanct, the Mortgage-Interest Deduction Comes Under Scrutiny Long Sacrosanct, the Mortgage-Interest Deduction Comes Under Scrutiny

But Republicans want to funnel savings to the rich—not renters, who could use the help.

Dec 1, 2017 / Bryce Covert

Ellen Pao’s Step Forward

Ellen Pao’s Step Forward Ellen Pao’s Step Forward

In her new memoir, Pao is hesitant to call the slights, offenses, and blockages she faced what they are: harassment and discrimination.

Nov 3, 2017 / Bryce Covert

The GOP Tax Plan Fails the Children

The GOP Tax Plan Fails the Children The GOP Tax Plan Fails the Children

By not expanding the Child Tax Credit, Republicans have missed a chance to help every struggling American family.

Oct 20, 2017 / Bryce Covert

Actresses at the Academy Awards

Actresses—and Millions of Other Workers—Have No Federal Sexual-Harassment Protections Actresses—and Millions of Other Workers—Have No Federal Sexual-Harassment Protections

This is another reason Harvey Weinstein’s accusers may have kept quiet until now.

Oct 19, 2017 / Bryce Covert
