Bryce Covert


Bryce Covert is a contributing writer at The Nation and was a 2023 Reporter in Residence at Omidyar Network.

America Is Waking Up to the Injustice of Cash Bail

America Is Waking Up to the Injustice of Cash Bail America Is Waking Up to the Injustice of Cash Bail

Seventy percent of people in jail haven’t been convicted of a crime. They just can’t afford bail.

Oct 19, 2017 / Feature / Bryce Covert

Don’t Just Protect Affirmative Action From Trump—Demand More

Don’t Just Protect Affirmative Action From Trump—Demand More Don’t Just Protect Affirmative Action From Trump—Demand More

Racism’s economic effects are pernicious.​

Aug 25, 2017 / Bryce Covert


We Are the 99 Percent—Except for the Top 20 Percent of Us We Are the 99 Percent—Except for the Top 20 Percent of Us

In a new book, Richard V. Reeves argues that members of the upper middle class, not just the ultra-wealthy, are making our society profoundly unequal.

Jul 3, 2017 / Bryce Covert

Trump’s Infrastructure Plan Claims to Relieve Taxpayers—but It’s a Sleight of Hand

Trump’s Infrastructure Plan Claims to Relieve Taxpayers—but It’s a Sleight of Hand Trump’s Infrastructure Plan Claims to Relieve Taxpayers—but It’s a Sleight of Hand

Privatization will cost all of us.

Jun 30, 2017 / Bryce Covert

What Will Kill Neoliberalism?

What Will Kill Neoliberalism? What Will Kill Neoliberalism?

A roundtable on its fate.

May 4, 2017 / Feature / Joelle Gamble, Paul Mason, Bryce Covert, William Darity Jr., and Peter Barnes

Trump’s ‘Extreme’ Budget Is Just Paul Ryan’s Old Bad Plan With a Comb-Over

Trump’s ‘Extreme’ Budget Is Just Paul Ryan’s Old Bad Plan With a Comb-Over Trump’s ‘Extreme’ Budget Is Just Paul Ryan’s Old Bad Plan With a Comb-Over

Ryan avoided naming the popular programs that both politicians would cut.

Apr 20, 2017 / Bryce Covert

Trump’s Obsession With Manufacturing Is About Politics, Not Jobs

Trump’s Obsession With Manufacturing Is About Politics, Not Jobs Trump’s Obsession With Manufacturing Is About Politics, Not Jobs

Most of us work in the service sector, but you won't hear the president talk about that.

Feb 10, 2017 / Bryce Covert

Obama Was Not an Economic Radical. Trump Will Be.

Obama Was Not an Economic Radical. Trump Will Be. Obama Was Not an Economic Radical. Trump Will Be.

President Obama’s economic reforms were modest—but they’re definitely worth fighting for.

Dec 15, 2016 / Bryce Covert and Mike Konczal

Donald Trump’s Imaginary Inner Cities

Donald Trump’s Imaginary Inner Cities Donald Trump’s Imaginary Inner Cities

“Inner city” was always a loaded term, but today it makes no sense at all.

Nov 7, 2016 / Bryce Covert

Welfare Reform Failed—and if Elected, Hillary Clinton Is Obligated to Fix It

Welfare Reform Failed—and if Elected, Hillary Clinton Is Obligated to Fix It Welfare Reform Failed—and if Elected, Hillary Clinton Is Obligated to Fix It

The 1996 bill has sunk Americans deeper into poverty.

Sep 26, 2016 / Bryce Covert
