No Justice for Troy Davis No Justice for Troy Davis
Should we as a society act like the murderers that we punish?
Sep 23, 2011 / Countdown
Allison Kilkenny: Saving the Postal Service Without Privatizing It Allison Kilkenny: Saving the Postal Service Without Privatizing It
The post office has come under fire from fiscal hawks for running a $9 billion deficit, and the threats have now reached the point where the service could be closed in a matter of ...
Sep 12, 2011 / Countdown
Ari Berman: How the GOP Curtails Voting Rights Ari Berman: How the GOP Curtails Voting Rights
Across the country, the Republican party is trying to make it harder for the Democrats’ core constituencies to vote.
Sep 12, 2011 / Countdown
John Nichols: Get With the Program, Obama John Nichols: Get With the Program, Obama
Democrats who run on clear platforms of standing with workers, defending public education and taxing corporations win elections.
Aug 29, 2011 / Countdown
Ari Berman: The Not-So-Super Committee Ari Berman: The Not-So-Super Committee
Nancy Pelosi's additions to the Super Committee finalizes the group of twelve congresspersons tasked with deciding how to cut $1.2 trillion dollars from the federal budget.
Aug 12, 2011 / Countdown
Jeremy Scahill: No Accountability for US Torture Jeremy Scahill: No Accountability for US Torture
Despite Obama's claims that closing Guantanamo would take priority on his agenda as president, infamous Bush-era policies have quietly expanded under his administration.
Aug 5, 2011 / Countdown
Exposing ALEC: Why Are Corporations Writing State Laws? Exposing ALEC: Why Are Corporations Writing State Laws?
ALEC is a toxic alliance of corporations and state legislatures that work together to ensure that corporate interests stay at the top of legislative agendas across the country.
Jul 25, 2011 / Countdown
Behind the CIA’s Secret Somalia Operations Behind the CIA’s Secret Somalia Operations
In a secret, underground prison in Mogadishu, Somalia, prisoners have no access to due process, international organizations or anyone from the outside world.
Jul 22, 2011 / Countdown
How the 9/11 Responders Bill Finally Got Through How the 9/11 Responders Bill Finally Got Through
Chris Hayes speaks with Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-New York) about how progressive legislation ever makes it through Congress.
Dec 23, 2010 / Countdown
Greg Mitchell and Chris Hayes Examine the WikiLeaks Outrage Greg Mitchell and Chris Hayes Examine the WikiLeaks Outrage
On MSNBC's Countdown, Greg Mitchell and Chris Hayes ask, has WikiLeaks' Julian Assange really endangered lives?
Dec 3, 2010 / Countdown