Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins


Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins runs a regular interview series with The Nation. He is an assistant professor in the College of Social Studies at Wesleyan University and is writing a book for Yale University Press titled Impossible Peace, Improbable War: Raymond Aron and World Order. He is currently a Moynihan Public Scholars Fellow at City College.

Has Capitalism Become Our Religion?

Has Capitalism Become Our Religion? Has Capitalism Become Our Religion?

We talk with historian Eugene McCarraher about the myths and rituals of the market, the lost radicalism of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and the rise of neoliberalism.

Oct 4, 2019 / Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins

Cambodian monks

Is Religious Freedom a Bad Idea? Is Religious Freedom a Bad Idea?

Scholars have taken to attacking religious rights, but their target is secularism as a whole.

Mar 16, 2016 / Udi Greenberg and Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins
