This City Just Banned Virtually All New Dirty-Energy Infrastructure This City Just Banned Virtually All New Dirty-Energy Infrastructure
Portland, Oregon has adopted a first-of-its-kind offensive strategy to prevent new oil, gas, and coal export facilities from being built.
Dec 21, 2016 / Daphne Wysham

Why the World Bank Must Divest from Fossil Fuels Why the World Bank Must Divest from Fossil Fuels
The Bank claims it wants to step up to the challenge of climate change. But why is it still investing in fossil fuels?
Dec 4, 2012 / Daphne Wysham

How Did Coal-Rich India End Up With Power Blackouts? How Did Coal-Rich India End Up With Power Blackouts?
For decades, the World Bank pushed privatization of the power industry and assumed that energy services would "trickle down" to the poor.
Aug 22, 2012 / Daphne Wysham
Hoodwinked in Bali on Carbon Credits Hoodwinked in Bali on Carbon Credits
A UN conference touts carbon trading as the best response to global warming. Why adopt a framework that pits rich against poor, exploits the indigenous and gives the biggest corpor...
Dec 12, 2007 / Feature / Daphne Wysham