The Dangerous Myth of the “Good War” The Dangerous Myth of the “Good War”
The fantasy that the war in Ukraine is a war to secure democracy around the world has taken root among well-meaning liberals.
Sep 7, 2023 / David Bromwich

Hannah Arendt Was Really a Prophet Against Conformity Hannah Arendt Was Really a Prophet Against Conformity
To the question of how totalitarian methods could ever draw the compliance of free citizens, she replied: through the enchantment of success.
Jan 9, 2023 / Column / David Bromwich

Democrats Dodged a Bullet in the Midterms, but the Culture War Is Far From Won Democrats Dodged a Bullet in the Midterms, but the Culture War Is Far From Won
A functioning democracy requires the consent, if not the votes, of a good deal more than half the country.
Dec 9, 2022 / Column / David Bromwich

Russia Hating: A Study of the News—and Views—We Find Fit to Print Russia Hating: A Study of the News—and Views—We Find Fit to Print
Journalists and professors who have called Russia a fascist country are playing a poisonous game.
Oct 31, 2022 / Column / David Bromwich

The Political Lessons of Fritz Lang’s “Metropolis” The Political Lessons of Fritz Lang’s “Metropolis”
The 1927 film raises the question, “Who will mediate between our head and our hands?”
Oct 4, 2022 / Column / David Bromwich

Whose Rules? Our Rules! in the Rules-Based International Order Whose Rules? Our Rules! in the Rules-Based International Order
How the US leads by helping other people kill each other.
Aug 22, 2022 / Column / David Bromwich

The Rise of Bad Art and the Decline of Political Candor The Rise of Bad Art and the Decline of Political Candor
Though the language of cliché has switched from the middle-class respectability of the 1950s to our current obsessions with “inclusion” and concern for the marginalized, the practi...
Jul 11, 2022 / Column / David Bromwich

Waging Proxy War in Ukraine Won’t Save Us From Ourselves Waging Proxy War in Ukraine Won’t Save Us From Ourselves
The policing of public opinion over Ukraine goes to extremes unimagined during the fight against Hitler.
May 27, 2022 / Column / David Bromwich

Against World War III Against World War III
Is a long, bloody war between Russia and Ukraine really in our national interest?
Apr 21, 2022 / Column / David Bromwich

A Mirror on Every Wall—and a Microphone Behind Every Mirror A Mirror on Every Wall—and a Microphone Behind Every Mirror
The work of belonging is never done.
Mar 24, 2022 / Column / David Bromwich