David Corn

is Mother Jones' Washington bureau chief. Until 2007, he was Washington editor of The Nation.

Cheney on Lamont: Can’t Resist the Low Blow Cheney on Lamont: Can’t Resist the Low Blow

Mayhem in Iraq. Global warming on the warpath. National debt to the moon. There's much to moan about. But it's the little things that sometimes can tick one...

Aug 11, 2006 / David Corn

The Neverending Saga of Phase II The Neverending Saga of Phase II

Why is it taking the Senate intelligence committee forty times longer to examine how the Bush administration used--or misused--the prewar intelligence on Ir...

Jul 31, 2006 / David Corn

Why Is the US in Iraq? Why Is the US in Iraq?

The sectarian violence that's taking place in the Baghdad area...is probably the gravest threat to stability that there is in the country right now. ...

Jul 26, 2006 / David Corn

Will Plame vs. Cheney, Libby & Rove Unearth New Info? Will Plame vs. Cheney, Libby & Rove Unearth New Info?

Several years ago, I was talking to a Democratic senator on the intelligence committee about the CIA leak case. I asked if Democrats had any intention of pu...

Jul 17, 2006 / David Corn

Novak Speaks on Leak Case–Finally Novak Speaks on Leak Case–Finally

Robert Novak finally speaks--in a way. In a column published in newspapers today...

Jul 12, 2006 / David Corn

CIA vs. Congress vs. White House: Who to Root For? CIA vs. Congress vs. White House: Who to Root For?

It's hard to know who to root for in the continuing scuffles between the Republican Congress, the White House and the CIA over the intelligence agency. The ...

Jul 10, 2006 / David Corn

Lieberman To Go Indie? And Why Hillary Should Care Lieberman To Go Indie? And Why Hillary Should Care

Here's something that Hillary Clinton should care about: Senator Joe Lieberman

Jul 3, 2006 / David Corn

Senate Takes on Prewar WMD Controversy–Sort of Senate Takes on Prewar WMD Controversy–Sort of

Representative Walter Jones was out of place when he sat down at the dais in a committee room in the Dirksen Senate Office Building on Monday. He had come t...

Jun 26, 2006 / David Corn

Karl Rove Escapes Prosecution Karl Rove Escapes Prosecution

Early this morning, Robert Luskin, Karl Rove's lawyer, told reporters that special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald had sent him a letter stating that Rove would ...

Jun 13, 2006 / David Corn

The Death of Zarqawi The Death of Zarqawi

It's good news that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is dead. Any member of the civilized world ought to cheer the demise of a terrorist who killed civilians with bombi...

Jun 8, 2006 / David Corn
