David Corn

is Mother Jones' Washington bureau chief. Until 2007, he was Washington editor of The Nation.

Woodward Enters–Not Breaks–the Story Woodward Enters–Not Breaks–the Story

This week, Bob Woodward didn't break a story. He entered the story. On Wednesday, The Washington Post, Woodward's home base, disclosed that two days ...

Nov 18, 2005 / David Corn

Bush Rewrites History To Criticize His Antiwar Critics Bush Rewrites History To Criticize His Antiwar Critics

In a Veterans Day speech on Friday, delivered to troops and others at the Tobyhanna Army Depot in Pennsylvania, George W. Bush veered from the usual commemo...

Nov 14, 2005 / David Corn

Ahmad Chalabi, WMDs, the CIA, No Regrets, and Page 108 Ahmad Chalabi, WMDs, the CIA, No Regrets, and Page 108

Ahmad Chalabi, the Iraqi exile leader whose Iraqi National Council peddled bad intelligence on WMDs prior to the war and who is now a deputy prime minister ...

Nov 10, 2005 / David Corn

This Time, Rove’s Tactics Failed This Time, Rove’s Tactics Failed

Democrats celebrate electoral victories in Virginia, New Jersey and California, they shouldn't waste time gloating. They need to find effective candidates like Tim Kaine and Jon Co...

Nov 9, 2005 / Feature / David Corn

Democratic Wins in Virginia, NJ and California Democratic Wins in Virginia, NJ and California

In politics--as the sophisticated analysts say--it is better to win than lose. So Democrats can be happy about their triumphs in New Jersey and Virginia, wh...

Nov 9, 2005 / David Corn

Squeezing Bush on his Prewar WMD Hype Squeezing Bush on his Prewar WMD Hype

When Senator Pat Roberts, the Republican chairman of the intelligence committee, promised in 2004 that his committee would investigate how Bush had used (or...

Nov 3, 2005 / David Corn

After the Libby Indictment After the Libby Indictment

The CIA leak scandal has revealed the Bush crew's dishonesty and hypocrisy. But don't expect the Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald or Bush to ever explain what really happened.

Nov 3, 2005 / David Corn

Can Dems Say ‘Finito’ to ‘Scalito’? Can Dems Say ‘Finito’ to ‘Scalito’?

If the nomination of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court becomes the titanic battle that both sides in the judicial wars have been anticipating for years, Democrats must create a new...

Oct 31, 2005 / David Corn

Did Cheney Know Plame Was Undercover? Did Cheney Know Plame Was Undercover?

The indictment of I. Lewis Libby indictment casts Vice President Dick Cheney in a key role in the CIA leak investigation: It suggests Cheney had reason to suspect Valerie Wilson wa...

Oct 31, 2005 / Feature / David Corn

A Grave Indictment, but Grave Questions Remain A Grave Indictment, but Grave Questions Remain

If a senior White House official leaks classified information that identifies an undercover CIA officer to reporters in order to undermine a critic of the a...

Oct 29, 2005 / David Corn
