David Corn

is Mother Jones' Washington bureau chief. Until 2007, he was Washington editor of The Nation.

CIA Leak Scandal: Indictments CIA Leak Scandal: Indictments

Five counts against Scooter Libby. Making false statements to federal agents (twice). Perjury (twice). And obstruction of justice for misleading and deceivi...

Oct 28, 2005 / David Corn

Borking Miers Borking Miers

Was Harriet Miers Borked? Ever since Robert Bork, a right-wing darling nominated by Ronald Reagan to the Supreme Court, was defeated by a passionate...

Oct 27, 2005 / David Corn

CIA Leak Scandal: Times Bombshell Explodes Near Cheney CIA Leak Scandal: Times Bombshell Explodes Near Cheney

Big news. The New York Times is

Oct 25, 2005 / David Corn

CIA Leak Scandal: Times Making Progress on Miller Mess? CIA Leak Scandal: Times Making Progress on Miller Mess?

Even on the weekend, our obsession with the Plame/CIA leak scandal--and the Judy Miller sideshow--doesn't end. Here's a piece I posted on my blog at

Oct 22, 2005 / David Corn

White House Plame-Out White House Plame-Out

Indictments or not, what America knows now about the outing of Valerie Plame is that Bush Administration officials deliberately leaked information that potentially damaged the nati...

Oct 20, 2005 / David Corn

CIA Leak Scandal: Proof Bush Lied? A Final Report To Come? CIA Leak Scandal: Proof Bush Lied? A Final Report To Come?

In a story posted on Tuesday ...

Oct 19, 2005 / David Corn

CIA Leak Scandal: Judy Miller and the Times Speak CIA Leak Scandal: Judy Miller and the Times Speak

Finally, the New York Times and Judith Miller speak, and the paper and reporter leave their readers with as many questions as answers. In Sunday's ed...

Oct 16, 2005 / David Corn

CIA Leak Scandal: Rove Defied Bush’s Command? CIA Leak Scandal: Rove Defied Bush’s Command?

As I noted previously, it has been interesting to watch Karl Rove's defense evol...

Oct 12, 2005 / David Corn

Rove Scandal: New Mysteries, New Props, New Legal Theories Rove Scandal: New Mysteries, New Props, New Legal Theories

The Plame/CIA leak case is getting what all good scandals need: props. We now have the "missing notebook" and the "missing email." The "missing note...

Oct 10, 2005 / David Corn

Rove Scandal: Karl Returns to the CIA Leak Grand Jury Rove Scandal: Karl Returns to the CIA Leak Grand Jury

Email is flying, cell phones are humming, Blackberries are bursting. All with the news--broken by Associated Press--that Rove asked to testify one mo' time ...

Oct 7, 2005 / David Corn
