David Corn

is Mother Jones' Washington bureau chief. Until 2007, he was Washington editor of The Nation.

Democrats and Withdrawal from Iraq: Asking Too Much? Democrats and Withdrawal from Iraq: Asking Too Much?

For Democrats, here's the bad news: now that they have won control of Congress, they are expected to not only criticize President Bush's policies in Iraq bu...

Nov 17, 2006 / David Corn

Murtha Loses–And So Does Pelosi Murtha Loses–And So Does Pelosi

The vote count is in: Steny Hoyer defeated Jack Murtha 149 to 86 for the majority leader post in the House. There's no way to spin this: this was a...

Nov 16, 2006 / David Corn

Pelosi Backs Murtha for No. 2: Iraq over Ethics? Pelosi Backs Murtha for No. 2: Iraq over Ethics?

This morning, I called Melanie Sloan, the executive director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washing...

Nov 13, 2006 / David Corn

Hooray for Robert Gates? Hooray for Robert Gates?

Hooray for Robert Gates. Well, almost. At first glance, the appropriate reaction to George W. Bush's decision to replace Defense Secretary Donald Ru...

Nov 10, 2006 / David Corn

The Evil Abstraction The Evil Abstraction

Before Bob Gates's confirmation as CIA chief in 1991, the man now designated as Bush's Secretary of Defense was charged with forcing intelligence reports to conform to a tough anti...

Nov 9, 2006 / Column / David Corn

And Now, Iraq And Now, Iraq

The election is over; the war is not. And George W. Bush is suddenly in one tight corner.

Nov 9, 2006 / David Corn

Payback Time Payback Time

Payback's a bitch. There is no way to spin the election results. They were a repudiation of George W. Bush, his party, his agenda, and his war. The ...

Nov 8, 2006 / David Corn

Looking Like Losers Looking Like Losers

Is it possible the White House doesn't want Republicans to win the congressional elections? I know this sounds crazy. But consider the evidence. 1. ...

Nov 6, 2006 / David Corn

Does Dick Armey Believe the GOP Deserves To Lose? Does Dick Armey Believe the GOP Deserves To Lose?

Last week, I noted that when I was interviewing former House Republican majority...

Oct 30, 2006 / David Corn

How Big Will the Anti-GOP Wave Be? How Big Will the Anti-GOP Wave Be?

This morning at a briefing on the congressional elections, an event that featured former Representatives Dick Armey, Jennifer Dunn, and Dick Gephardt and th...

Oct 24, 2006 / David Corn
