David Corn

is Mother Jones' Washington bureau chief. Until 2007, he was Washington editor of The Nation.

Conservative Realism or Disingenuous Callousness? Conservative Realism or Disingenuous Callousness?

Last week, The Nation and The National Interest held a public discussion to explore whether these days foreign policy realists of the right co...

Oct 20, 2006 / David Corn

Who’s Running Afghan Policy? Who’s Running Afghan Policy?

Even if the United States has the will to do the hard work necessary to rebuild Afghanistan, there are few signs that senior Administration officials are engaged.

Oct 16, 2006 / Feature / David Corn

The Drip, Drip, Drip of the Foley-Hastert Scandal The Drip, Drip, Drip of the Foley-Hastert Scandal

I appeared on ABC News This Week yesterday, as a member of its roundtable. (You can get a podcast of the show

Oct 9, 2006 / David Corn

Woodward, Revised Woodward, Revised

Bob Woodward is late to the party: His new book, State of Denial, catches up to the story of the Iraq debacle that other journalists have been reporting for years.

Oct 9, 2006 / David Corn

Woodward’s Book and the CIA/Plame Leak Case Woodward’s Book and the CIA/Plame Leak Case

Here's an interesting scene from Bob Woodward's new book. It's the summer of 2004 and George Tenet has resigned as CIA chief: [White House chief ...

Oct 3, 2006 / David Corn

The Culture of Leaks The Culture of Leaks

The political culture of Washington is fueled by gossip, intrigue and leaks. It was a combination that turned toxic in the Valerie Plame Affair.

Oct 2, 2006 / David Corn

This Is What Waterboarding Looks Like This Is What Waterboarding Looks Like

As Congress has debated legislation that would set up military tribunals and govern the questioning of suspected terrorists (whom the Bush administration wo...

Sep 28, 2006 / David Corn

Corn Versus Hitchens: On Niger, Plame and WMDs Corn Versus Hitchens: On Niger, Plame and WMDs

A version of this was first posted at my blog at www.davidcorn.com.... I told readers of my regular bl...

Sep 26, 2006 / David Corn

Release the NIE on Iraq and Terrorism! Release the NIE on Iraq and Terrorism!

Reality intrudes again. President Bush and his allies keep insisting that the invasion of Iraq was essential to winning the fight against anti-American Isla...

Sep 25, 2006 / David Corn

At the UN, Bush Cites Human Rights Declaration At the UN, Bush Cites Human Rights Declaration

When George W. Bush addressed the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday, he glowingly referred to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was ...

Sep 19, 2006 / David Corn
