David Corn

is Mother Jones' Washington bureau chief. Until 2007, he was Washington editor of The Nation.

McCain: The October Surprise? McCain: The October Surprise?

Will John McCain be the October Surprise? Months ago, when the Republican senator who is often dubbed a maverick finally started campaigning with Ge...

Sep 20, 2004 / David Corn

Swift Vets Keep Misfiring Swift Vets Keep Misfiring

The Swift Vets have done the damage they set out to do. By hurling unsubstantiated charges against John Kerry and accusing him of somehow obtaining medals f...

Sep 16, 2004 / David Corn

Taking Dives for the Bush Mob Taking Dives for the Bush Mob

I used to have sympathy for Colin Powell, the supposed adult among the neocon kindergartners who pushed this nation into war in Iraq. Now I see him merely a...

Sep 13, 2004 / David Corn

More Revelations–UPDATED More Revelations–UPDATED

[UPDATE: The Washington Post reports that several document experts it consulted have raised questions about the authenticity of the Killian me...

Sep 9, 2004 / David Corn

Bush: It’s About Me and My Crusade Bush: It’s About Me and My Crusade

It's official: the 2004 campaign is a referendum on whether the United States should wage a crusade to bring liberty to the repressed of the world--particul...

Sep 3, 2004 / David Corn

The Bush Mob Orders Up a Hit The Bush Mob Orders Up a Hit

"I can't believe they're doing it again, and getting away with it." So said a Republican strategist not keen on George W. Bush, referring to the att...

Sep 2, 2004 / David Corn

Arnold and Laura: It’s the War, Stupid Arnold and Laura: It’s the War, Stupid

The official theme of Night Two of GOPalooza was "People of Compassion." But the real message of the evening was, Safety First. The key moments of the eveni...

Sep 1, 2004 / David Corn

The McCain Fizzle The McCain Fizzle

The world is your playground/And you want to win. So sang the frontman for a little-known and unimpressive rock band named Dexter Freebish at...

Aug 31, 2004 / David Corn

A Tale of Two GOPs A Tale of Two GOPs

From the hard right to the mushy right--within minutes you can experience both in New York, as each extreme fights for a piece of a tent that's not so big. ...

Aug 30, 2004 / David Corn

Partying With the GOP Partying With the GOP

The Saturday night before every political convention there is usually a party for the thousands of journalists that will be covering the shebang to come. Th...

Aug 29, 2004 / David Corn
