David Corn

is Mother Jones' Washington bureau chief. Until 2007, he was Washington editor of The Nation.

The Safire Rules The Safire Rules

Is a New York Times columnist--or any columnist--free to make a false assertion and not have to correct it? According to the newly installed public ...

Mar 29, 2004 / David Corn

The 9/11 Bog The 9/11 Bog

The September 11 commission has become mired in partisan bickering, as questions go unasked and new revelations are overwhelmed by the noise.

Mar 26, 2004 / Feature / David Corn

More Blame for Bush More Blame for Bush

Just as George W.

Mar 25, 2004 / David Corn

MIA WMDs–For Bush, It’s a Joke MIA WMDs–For Bush, It’s a Joke

Only in Washington. Last night I was at the Radio and Television Correspondents' Association Dinner. It's a formal-and-fun affair where thousands of...

Mar 25, 2004 / David Corn

The Worst of Bush’s Iraq Whoppers The Worst of Bush’s Iraq Whoppers

For months now I have been contemplating a grand project: chronicling every misleading statement George W. Bush and his crew uttered before the war about Ir...

Mar 17, 2004 / David Corn

Happy Birthday, C-SPAN! Happy Birthday, C-SPAN!

The mud is flying, as a bitter presidential campaign is under way. With eight months remaining until E-Day, commentators are already pointing to the vicious...

Mar 12, 2004 / David Corn

Klayman Watch Klayman Watch

A conservative provocateur turned Senate candidate may have tried to skirt campaign finance rules.

Mar 10, 2004 / David Corn

Super Tuesday: Ten Talking Points Super Tuesday: Ten Talking Points

1. Conventional wisdom rules. John Kerry started out the front-runner, according to the political handicappers. And largely because of the same reas...

Mar 3, 2004 / David Corn

What’s Right With Kerry What’s Right With Kerry

At key moments, he's displayed guts and taken tough, sometimes lonely, positions.

Feb 26, 2004 / Feature / David Corn

The Propaganda of William Safire The Propaganda of William Safire

William Safire, New York Times columnist, doesn't know what he's talking (or writing) about. Who says? The New York Times. Underneath ...

Feb 24, 2004 / David Corn
