David Corn

is Mother Jones' Washington bureau chief. Until 2007, he was Washington editor of The Nation.

The Gloating on the (Neocon) Cakewalk The Gloating on the (Neocon) Cakewalk

"Confused?" A friend asked me that as the Iraq war was drawing to a close and jubilant Iraqis were showing their feet to torn-down images of Saddam ...

Apr 15, 2003 / David Corn

Should US Pay for Civilian Casualties? Should US Pay for Civilian Casualties?

CNN showed his face. A twelve-year-old boy lying on a hospital bed. A white bandage on his head. Wide eyes. A grimace. One of the civilian casualties of the...

Apr 10, 2003 / David Corn

The Pentagon’s (CIA) Man in Iraq The Pentagon’s (CIA) Man in Iraq

Toward the start of the second Persian Gulf War, I found myself in a room with R. James Woolsey, CIA chief during the first two years of the Clinton adminis...

Apr 4, 2003 / David Corn

The Washington Wars The Washington Wars

By the start of the third week of war, Bush was bogged down in Mesopotamia and Washington.

Apr 3, 2003 / David Corn

The Hubris of the Neocons The Hubris of the Neocons

It took US policymakers and the American public many years, perhaps decades, to realize that hubris--arrogant and uninformed self-confidence--had played a c...

Mar 31, 2003 / David Corn

Postwar Democracy? Iraq is a Hard Place Postwar Democracy? Iraq is a Hard Place

The angry guy with the shoe. Those who have been watching the war on television are familiar with the video footage: after the US military took cont...

Mar 26, 2003 / David Corn

Frost at Foggy Bottom Frost at Foggy Bottom

Is the government's foreign policy apparatus a casualty of war? The recent resignations of two career State Department officials, who left to protest George W.

Mar 20, 2003 / David Corn

Finally, A Dream of War Comes True Finally, A Dream of War Comes True

A few months ago, I was in a television studio with one of Washington's leading pro-war cheerleaders. After we finished our mini-debate, he asked if I thoug...

Mar 18, 2003 / David Corn

Meet The Nation: Howard Dean Meet The Nation: Howard Dean

Seen as the antiwar candidate, he shies away from being called a liberal.

Mar 13, 2003 / Feature / David Corn

Bush’s Irrelevant Case for War Bush’s Irrelevant Case for War

President George W. Bush has a case for going to war. It's a slim case, but a case. And he keeps undermining it with dishonest remarks. During his Thursday ...

Mar 7, 2003 / David Corn
