David Corn

is Mother Jones' Washington bureau chief. Until 2007, he was Washington editor of The Nation.

The Democratic Beauty Contest The Democratic Beauty Contest

As was evident during the most recent episode of the Democratic Party's Star Search--a meeting in Washington of the Democratic National Committee, where mos...

Feb 25, 2003 / David Corn

Bush’s Presidential Malpractice Bush’s Presidential Malpractice

If a doctor handed you a strong medication--saying you had no choice but to swallow it--but didn't talk to you about the host of new ailments and problems t...

Feb 14, 2003 / David Corn

Who’s in Charge? Who’s in Charge?

On October 4, 2001--less than a month after that horrific day--George W. Bush and the members of his National Security Council were nailing down the details of the coming war i...

Feb 13, 2003 / Books & the Arts / David Corn

The Banning of Rabbi Lerner The Banning of Rabbi Lerner

War looms. Troops are moving into place. Administration officials refuse to discuss alternatives. And everyday George W. Bush has some new rhetorical device...

Feb 11, 2003 / David Corn

Powell’s One Good Reason To Bomb Iraq–UPDATED Powell’s One Good Reason To Bomb Iraq–UPDATED

Secretary of State Colin Powell convinced me. I am ready to bomb Iraq and wipe out the terrorists. Allow me to explain. It's not that an invasion an...

Feb 6, 2003 / David Corn

Bush: Eager for Combat Bush: Eager for Combat

The compassionate warrior. That's the image Bush offered in his second State of the Union address, as he deftly blended his 2000 campaign schtick (and all o...

Jan 29, 2003 / David Corn

You’ve Got Issues? You’ve Got Issues?

Setting themselves apart is a big job for most Democratic presidential hopefuls.

Jan 23, 2003 / Feature / David Corn

Bush’s Terrible Twos Bush’s Terrible Twos

Who knew it would come to this?

Jan 16, 2003 / Feature / David Corn

Class Warfare By (Fuzzy) Numbers Class Warfare By (Fuzzy) Numbers

How does he do it? Every day Ari Fleischer takes the stand--so to speak--but, luckily for him, it's not under oath. That is, he provides a briefing in the W...

Jan 14, 2003 / David Corn

They’re Off! Here Come the Candidates They’re Off! Here Come the Candidates

Like birds on a wire, Democratic presidential wannabes are flapping their wings and leaving the perch at the same time. Or are they more akin to lemmings? N...

Jan 6, 2003 / David Corn
