David Corn

is Mother Jones' Washington bureau chief. Until 2007, he was Washington editor of The Nation.

Healthcare for All–Now Healthcare for All–Now

If there were a firing squad for political rhetoric, the phrase "single payer" would have to be placed against the wall and blown away.

Dec 18, 2002 / David Corn

The Kissinger Kiss-off The Kissinger Kiss-off

Perhaps Henry Kissinger will escape final (on-this-earth) judgement. No trial for war crimes. No public shunning for his lying ways. No disinvitation from

Dec 16, 2002 / David Corn

Mainstreaming the Antiwar Movement? Mainstreaming the Antiwar Movement?

It was at the time of the October 26 antiwar rally in Washington--where tens of thousands of demonstrators heard speakers oppose war against Iraq and

Dec 10, 2002 / David Corn

Debating the Antiwar Movement Debating the Antiwar Movement

Washington, DC

Dec 4, 2002 / Alexander Cockburn, Marc Cooper, and David Corn

Kissinger’s Back…As 9/11 Truth-Seeker Kissinger’s Back…As 9/11 Truth-Seeker

Asking Henry Kissinger to investigate government malfeasance or nonfeasance is akin to asking Slobodan Milosevic to investigate war crimes. Pretty damn akin...

Nov 27, 2002 / David Corn

An Un-Serious Congress An Un-Serious Congress

These are times of threat and crisis. So say the leaders of our government, and maybe they are right. Al Qaeda, they report, is on the rise, and terrorism a...

Nov 25, 2002 / David Corn

Pelosi’s First Dive Pelosi’s First Dive

It didn't take long. That is, for Nancy Pelosi, the new Democratic leader in the House of Representatives, to run for cover. Days after her colleagu...

Nov 20, 2002 / David Corn

Back to Iraq: Bush and His Pro-War Bias Back to Iraq: Bush and His Pro-War Bias

George W. Bush is on a roll. The elections at home. The UN Security Council's 15-to-0 acceptance of a resolution calling for tough inspections in Iraq (whic...

Nov 12, 2002 / David Corn

Regime Change Now…For the Democrats Regime Change Now…For the Democrats

Terry McAuliffe, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, was barely into his post-Election Day press conference when he smiled and said, "I know I co...

Nov 6, 2002 / David Corn

Less-Than-Zero Dems Less-Than-Zero Dems

It's hard to beat something with nothing.

Nov 6, 2002 / David Corn
